DART Project Beaumont College, Lancaster Rohan Slaughter 17/5/11
About Beaumont College Independent Specialist College based in Lancaster 91 learners, 330 FTE staff Ofsted “Outstanding” LSIS Beacon Status Curriculum focussed on personal development, independence, skills for life Creative arts specialism
The DART Project DART – ‘Disseminating Assistive Roles and Technology’ Working in partnership, Beaumont College and National Star College Funded by the LSIS flexibility and innovation fund
The DART Project The project aims to: –Improve Assistive Technology practice in the sector –Enable the replication of the innovative Assistive Technologist role –Disseminate the Beaumont College Technology service model –Produce Assistive Technology case studies for the sector
The DART Project The Assistive Technologist –Sits at the interface of people and technology –Works as part of a trans-disciplinary team, which includes OT, SLT, teachers, social care staff –A new ‘hybrid’ role that does not replace any existing role –The technologist becomes the ‘chief integrator’ of the assistive technology solution provided to the student
The DART Project The Assistive Technologist –This role was developed during the Wheeltop Project at Beaumont College –Funded by BT from –Integrate off the shelf Tablet PC technology in place of dedicated communication aids –Reduced the cost of the hardware and increased flexibility of solutions –The technologist role was the most important development from the Wheeltop Project
The DART Project Disseminate the Beaumont College Technology service model –Beaumont unifies mainstream IT support and assistive technology support into a single team –Team is run from the Senior Management Team –This arrangement but serves the college well, and avoids the divide that can exist between technical staff and teaching staff –The team includes two technologists, two network technicians, an IT technician, Media technician and a technical learning support worker
The DART Project Disseminate the Beaumont College Technology service model –Beaumont has a robust modern IT system that has been developed over a number of years –Assistive Technology and AAC expertise –We are active in networks such as the JISC RSC NW, the Technology Exemplar Network, TechDIS, LSIS, NATSPEC groups –Have been involved in a number of sector projects
The DART Project –Molenet3 – MOVE – Mobile Video Evidence (supports the e- portfolio initiative) –Innovation 3 – Supports the Staff VLE development –Karten 2: The Beaumont Digital Arts Centre –LSIS ISC e-leadership program – e-safety and e-maturity –Successor to‘wheeltop project’. Scope and BT are again working together on the ‘Connect to Control project, focus on Environmental Control Systems –Technology Exemplar Network –TSB: Mobility Bridge –LSIS Flexibility and Innovation fund – replicate the Technologist role, our technology service profile and disseminate case studies of our assistive tech. –JISC InfoNET: Strategy Work
The DART Project Produce assistive technology case studies –Examples of assistive technology solutions in place at both National Star College and Beaumont –Examples of technology in use at partner colleges –Examples of how we have worked with partner colleges (training, support, technology)
The DART Project Produce assistive technology case studies –For example, using a windows 7 tablet in place of a communication aid: Benefits: Lower Cost Flexible Runs The Grid 2 Software Easy to mount or use hand held Can be supported by anyone with PC knowledge
The DART Project The project –Convened a project board to oversee the project –Sought partners in both mainstream and FE colleges –We had assistance from both the JISC RSC’s and TechDIS to publicise the project –We had a massive response, in all 24 enquiries were made prior to the deadline, more enquires since –It is clear that there is an unmet need –We have engaged with 8 colleges
The DART Project The Partner Colleges Beaumont College: –Runshaw FE College –Dovestones at Tameside –Henshaws ISC –Wirral FE National Star College: –Bournemouth and Pool FE College –Swindon FE College –Oakwood Court ISC –South Bristol Skills Academy (FE)
The DART Project The Partner Colleges Initial visits have already taken place with many colleges Identify what the college wishes to develop as part of the project, could include: –Elements of the Technologist role to be embedded in an existing role –Transfer of assistive technology knowledge to specific staff, work shadowing etc –Training and development for staff in the partner colleges –Advice on sourcing equipment, software etc –Advice on adapting mainstream hardware
The DART Project The Partner Colleges –Beaumont College and National Star will work to develop a program of activities with each college individually –At least four days will be spent with each college –Opportunity to review, adapt and change direction as emergent needs are identified –Intended to foster two way learning, we wish to learn from all partner colleges –The project is intended to have a legacy of web based resources that can be used by the sector more widely
The DART Project The Project website –Hosts information about the project –Will be updated regularly –Has a number of case studies available now: Accessible media centre Computer access for visually impaired switch users Switch access to digital SLR cameras –More case studies to be added soon
The DART Project Thank you for listening Any Questions?