Internet2 Middleware BASE CAMP slides Michael R. Gettes Principal Technologist Georgetown University
Current Research in Middleware Michael Gettes Principal Technologist Georgetown University Steve Olshansky Internet2 Video Working Group Flywheel
3 Internet2 Video Middleware (VidMid) Video-on-Demand In VoD applications, directories need to hold attributes about users, content, devices, and usage. Video asset directory contains a subset of the total metadata (descriptive, administrative, rights) about the video assets Video endpoint directory also supports implementation of policy as it relates to end devices, such as client applications and video servers. –Such policies might include bandwidth provisioning, and accounting/billing functions, for example, as well as support presence information and resource discovery.
4 Internet2 Video Middleware (VidMid) Videoconferencing Resource Discovery for Videoconferencing Directory Services Architecture for Video and Voice Conferencing over IP (commObject) Authentication and Authorization Internet2 Video Middleware (VidMid)
5 Example VC Authn Flows
Other examples of research…
7 Current Research (examples) GROUPER A special LDAP server (OpenLDAP) engineered to handle group math operations against the enterprise directory for applications that are not group savvy. Application -> get group BLAH -> GROUPER -> combine 15 groups and remove those in the exclusion group -> give back combined static object as group BLAH
8 Certificate Parsing Server Peter Gietz - a draft to describe X.509 certificates as plain old directory objects. Finding certificates becomes easy for directory aware applications. Use PKI operations on the cert you select to verify it. David Chadwick - a Certificate Parsing Server (CPS). Like GROUPER but only works on add/delete/modify operations and stores cert objects as child objects as well as userCertificate attributes where they are now. This should have a dramatic impact on Bridge CA model operations.
9 What to do next? eduOrg, eduPerson, edu(other …) Shibboleth Roles (RBAC) GIG (Group Implementer’s Guide) GROUPER, RI-Bot, GASP Blue Pages LDAP-Recipe (next?) Affiliated Directories HEBCA, Bridge PKI, etc… Video Middleware (commObject) GRID AuthN campus integration GRID AuthZ campus integration Medical Middleware (MedMid) Operational Issues (perf/mon) Directory Policy PKI Policy Identity Mgmt Practices Metadirectories Dir of Dirs Higher Ed (DoDHE) LDAP Analyzer The Art of Directories/Databases PKI-Lite and S/MIME Early Harvest for App Developers Digital Rights Management (DRM) Outreach and Dissemination N-Tier Systems (portals) Filesystems Selling it Project Mgmt