Health Care Science Diagnostic Services
What is Diagnostic Services? Workers in this area help with the diagnosis of illness and diseases. They may or may not have direct contact with the actual patient. They plan services for the patient. They plan and perform test on the patient. Quality control is very important along with getting the test results in a timely manner.
What areas are included in Diagnostic Services? Audiology Cardiology Emergency Imaging Laboratory Neurology Optical Pulmonary Radiology Respiratory
How do I become qualified? High School Pathway completer OJT Apprenticeship Certificates License Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Professional Degree State Certification National Certification
Where would I work in Diagnostic Services? Acute hospitals Ambulatory care units HMO’s Home Health Agencies Cardiopulmonary Laboratories Clinics Community pharmacies Local health departments State health departments Pharmaceutical manufacturers Doctor’s Office Billing Office Private practice Nursing homes Assisted living centers Industry Community health nursing General hospitals Visiting nurse associations Homes Institutions Government Agencies Schools Long term care facilities Educational institutions Mental health agencies Day care centers Special workshops Psychiatric hospitals Rehabilitation centers Outpatient clinics Research institutions Public health agencies Trauma centers Chiropractic offices Counseling offices
Where are Technical Laboratory Positions Located? Blood Banks Biotechnology R&D Centers for Disease Control Clinical trials Coroner’s office Crime Laboratories Department of Defense Fertility Clinics Government Research Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) Hospitals Humanitarian agencies Military facilities National Cancer Institute National Institute of Environmental Health National Institutes of Health Private laboratories Public health laboratories Physicians' office laboratories Pharmaceutical R&D Transplant services Veterinary medicine
Where are Non-Technical Clinical Laboratory Positions? Director of laboratory marketing Department of Agriculture Education Food and Drug Administration Infection control officer Inspectors Laboratory billing specialist Management, administration Quality assurance director Safety officers Waste control officers
What can you expect? Pay depends on the particular position Pay increases with training and education Pay is competitive
Future of Diagnostic Service Positions – Physicians use clinical laboratory test results to make decisions for diagnosis and therapy! – Aging Population will require more healthcare in the future. – Quality of Health Care Top Priority in US! – More health problems require more laboratory testing for specific diagnosis!
Diagnostic Services Cardiovascular Technologist Clinical Lab Technician Computer Tomography (CT) Technologist Cytogenetic Technologist Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Electrocardiographic (ECG) Technician Electronic Diagnostic (EEG) Technologist Exercise Physiologist Geneticist Histotechnician Histotechnologist Magnetic Resonance (MR) Technologist Mammographer Medical Technologist/Clinical Laboratory Scientist Nuclear Medicine Technologist Nutritionist Pathologist Pathology Assistant Phlebotomist Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Technologist Radiologic Technologist/Radiographer Radiologist