For AS 229 (Environmental Technology)
1. A competent environmental technologist with strong understanding of fundamental scientific and technological knowledge required for application in society, environment and various industries 2. An environmental technologist with professional attitudes and ethics necessary in fulfilling his/her responsibilities towards the Creator, client and society 3. An environmental technologist who is able to adapt him/herself to the local and international/global work environment 4. A consultant in the scientific and technological fields capable of sustaining competency in the global environment 5. An environmental technologist who is able to conduct research and technology transfer in his/her own organization
ACHIEVEMENT OF PEO PROGRAM OUTCOMES12345DOMAIN 1An ability to acquire and apply knowledge of environmental science, environmental management and fundamentals of environmental technology. C 2An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. S 3An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern scientific tools necessary for environmental analysis. S 4 An ability to recognize the impact of environmental solutions in a global, economic, and societal context and an ability to take social responsibility. A 5An ability to recognize and apply ethical standards of values, ethics and professionalism in their professional work. A 6An ability to orally express and articulate environmental issues. S 7An ability to express and articulate environmental issues in written form effectively. S
ACHIEVEMENT OF PEO PROGRAM OUTCOMES12345DOMAIN 8An ability to work in a team in multi-disciplinary projects. A 9An ability to identify, formulate and solve environmental issues based on science and technology. C + S 10An ability to acquire and disseminate environmental information. A 11An ability to engage in life-long learning. A
Programme outcomes Programme outcomes Course PO Course PO