Transition to Blackboard- Learn Overview
What are we doing? Moving from Angel to Blackboard-Learn Not an upgrade, big leap “Automatic” to a standard (big shift) CMS to LMS
What it will do for us? Increased teaching and learning options (building blocks/learning tools) E-portfolios BB Mobile (for mobile devices) Social media spaces Common platform with most of SUNY campuses Remote support more staff, expertise, redundancy Less flexibility, control
Who will do it? SUNY Migration Team (answer questions and guide) Canton OL staff (heavy-lifting) LMS Administrator: Manages the infrastructure that supports the conversion manages fixes, implements updates (on-going), manages compatibility issues between systems and browsers, converts content Online Learning Technician: Manages technical details, trains faculty and converts content Instructional Technologist: Provides course development and pedagogy, supports transition (trains and helps with content) Additional:
When will it be done? Cohort E: Broom, Canton, Oswego Concurrent environments for a year
Spring 2014: Prep & Planning Summer 2014 Prep & Planning Fall 2014 Prep & Planning Winter 2014 Prep & Planning Spring 2015 Phase 1 Summer 2015 Phase 2 Fall 2015 Full cutover Build Transition Foundation: Working with SUNY Gathering transition documents Drafting Transition & Implementation Plan OL staff- playing in sandbox Identify: Phase 1 faculty Phase 1 courses Phase 2 faculty Phase 2 courses Draft Communication Plan Draft Implementation Plan Receive: BB instance Begin to convert & train Convert and Train Course are NOT delivered in new system (winter unaffected) Convert and Train Fully Transitioned
What is involved? Identifying Phase 1 cohort Identifying Phase 2 cohort Developing a Communication Plan Broad and targeted Developing a Training Plan Educating everybody-entire campus community Transitioning: (while maintaining current status) Export & Convert: Over 1000 courses + Repositories/semester (whole ball of wax) Confirm: Go through shells (passed over accurately & functionally)