Using existing technology to streamline a process Readings in an online course Moodle, copyright, workflow B.J. Eib, Instructional Designer Jeff Savage, E-learning Technologist Center for Teaching and Educational Technology, Royal Roads University VIHET
RRU Context 600+ courses each year Every course has a Moodle shell Every course has CTET development team assigned All readings are cleared through the Copyright Office
Who are our Faculty? 44 Core, 262 Associate = 306 Faculty no “typical” faculty member Core & Associate On or Off Campus New or Experienced Teaching Online, F2f, or blended Academic or Practitioner
The old process: 1.Program Associate (PA) confirms readings list with instructor – usually through an exchange of s and Word docs 2.PA send readings (Word doc) to Copyright Officer 3.Copyright Officers acquires permissions and sends ID & PA a Word doc with citations and links 4.ID sends Word doc to ELT to put into course The problem: Too many word docs being ed around!
A Happy Convergence School of Tourism and Hospitality Management wanted to stop sending Word docs Copyright Officer wanted to explore adding copyright-approved readings directly into Moodle
The Trial
Customized Documentation
The Pilot
The Results Almost everyone was thrilled! Program Staff love it Copyright Officer loves it CTET loves it Some faculty love it Some faculty are not as comfortable Now what…?
The Roll-out Meeting with all ID’s Readings need to be in ONE place in ALL courses Instructors and/or PA’s need to know how to edit in Moodle Target As of March 1, 2012, all readings will be accessed by the Copyright Office through Moodle
Our Current Systems Agresso Course Records Student Registration Agresso creates Moodle course Manually add Task List to Moodle course Calculate dates Instructor / ID / ELT names Addresses
Date Calculator