Hiawatha Valley ABE Theresa Luther-Dolan Chuck Butler
Web Enhanced Video Conference/ITV Correspondence Online Mixed/Hybrid
Geography isn’t a limiting factor Schedules tend to be more flexible Student-based learning Mix of media enhances learning
Little social interaction Poor time management skills Face-to-face interaction can be encouraging and for some students necessary College is more than a classroom
Determine if you have the right access, skills, and motivation to be successful. Self-Assessment Tools ◦ ages/4404.asp ages/4404.asp ◦ index.html index.html
Know the expectations for the class ◦ Synchronous chat ◦ Discussion board ◦ Reading materials – text, online, etc ◦ Group activities ◦ Communication and response times
Manage your time wisely ◦ Don’t procrastinate ◦ Don’t wait for perfection ◦ Combine activities ◦ Don’t expect your instructor to always be online ◦ Make and keep a schedule ◦ Use your free time wisely
Make a Good First Impression Effective Communication Stay Organized Attachment Etiquette Get to Know your Instructor Help Create a Successful Online Community
Spell Check and Grammar Check Compensate for Not Having Non-verbal Communications and Miscommunication Avoid Writing in All Capital Letters Reply/Reply All/Reply with Message
Don’t “Reply all” unless you mean it Don’t start or contribute to “flame wars” Don’t give your instructor a virus!!! Don’t send or submit things you may regret later Don’t pass around “forwards”
Don’t be too casual Don’t be long-winded or stray from the topic Watch the subject line Don’t stray from the thread topic Don’t send anonymous messages
Count the (time) costs Identify personal support Read materials carefully Be interactive Add “value” to the course
Make a “regular” study schedule – stick to it!!! Create a “study zone” Check your work Have required equipment and materials Take responsibility for your own learning
Learning Environments ◦ Course management systems (D2L, WebCT, Blackboard, etc.) ◦ system Resources ◦ Distance Learning Coordinator ◦ Online Advocate ◦ Instructional Technologist ◦ Student Help Desk View Example Course ◦