iCreate Using iPads to Move up Blooms Taxonomy Martha Andersen
Photo of classroom Martha Andersen Pleasant Grove Kindergarten Teacher -4 years Pilot group of iPad teachers Presenter at iPossiblities 2012 Presenter at ISTE & NSBA
Theories Multiple Intelligence - Howard Gardner, Professor at the Harvard School of Education. Help students to recognize their own strengthes. All children are intelligent, but they are intelligent differently. If students are intelligently differently, they also learn differently. Blooms Taxonomy - In 1956 Benjamin Bloom's Identified 3 levels or domains. These domains were called The Cognitive Domain, the Affective Domain and the Psychomotor Domain. Cognitive Domain - Bloom identified 5 levels. Established an upward momentum for thinking and learning. Info from :
Bloooms Taxonomy revised
Kathy Schrock, Educational Technologist
Blooms Taxonomy – Kathy Schrock
Remembering Recalling previously learned information Picking a right answer Key words: define, describe, identify, match, recognize, reproduce Phototouch Sight Words Phototouch Sight Words All About Letters All About Letters Approach to Montessori – Numbers Approach to Montessori – Numbers Flashcards++ Flashcards++ Word Cub Letters & Sounds Word Cub Letters & Sounds
Understanding Comprehending, explaining Open ended questions Key words: infers, interprets, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, comprehends, provides an example Writing Pad Writing Pad BookReport BookReport What Does Not Belong What Does Not Belong Show me interactive whiteboard Show me interactive whiteboard
Applying Using a concept in a new situation Key words: changes, computes, constructs, demonstrates, manipulates, prepares, solves Butterfly Math Butterfly Math ABC Magnetic Alphabet ABC Magnetic Alphabet Doodle Buddy Doodle Buddy Flip It! Flip It Screen Chomp Screen Chomp KickBox KickBox
Analyzing Separating material or concepts into components parts Key words: compares, contrasts, identifies, differentiates MindMash MindMash Popplet Popplet iCardSort iCardSort Doodle Buddy Doodle Buddy
Evaluating Making judgements about the value of ideas or materials Key words: describes, compares,criticizes, interprets, summarizes MomentDiary MomentDiary ScribblePress ScribblePress TallyPad TallyPad SurveyBoy SurveyBoy Lemonade Tycoon Lemonade Tycoon
Creating Building a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Putting parts together to form a whole with new meaning Key words: composes, reconstructs, reorganize Scribble Press Scribble Press Book Creator Book Creator Toontastic Toontastic Faces iMake Faces iMake Faces iMake ABC Faces iMake ABC Storywheel Storywhee
Scribble Press Typing, drawing, stickers or photo Save in iBooks Language – alphabet book, nouns/verbs/ adjectives, expand a sentence, retell, create a different ending Math – shape hunt, number book, Science – seasons, tree journal Social Studies – holidays/celebrations, needs/wants
Book Creator Type, photo, record sound Save in iBooks Story retell with different endings ABC book, Tree Journal
Other Examples Toontastic -video Toontastic Storywheel – The Rainy Day BookReport – ed copy Stickpick
Make sure you know how to work the app Get extra hands – parents or buddy up with older students If possible, provide free time to practice the app Make sure your version matches what’s on the student ipads Tips I learned these the hard way!
Blooms Taxonomy app by Maggie Fossum Blooms Taxonomy StickPick by Buzz Garwood StickPick Common Core Standards by Mastery Connect Common Core Standards Apps for Common Core by Flatter World Inc. Apps for Common Core Helpful Apps
Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything tml tml Edutopia elementary-blooms-taxomony-diane- darrow elementary-blooms-taxomony-diane- darrow Resources