Presentation “Inventors and Their Inventions” Виконала учениця 11 класу Тананаєва Ірина
Professor Yevhen Oscarovich Paton was a Ukrainian and Soviet engineer. He was a welding scientist and constructor technologist.
Paton is also considered to be the father of electric welding in USSR. In 1929 he organized the laboratory of electric welding technology,which in 1934 became Institute of Electric Welding.
He was a director of this laboratory until his death. Today the institute bears his name. Yevhen Paton served as Vice- President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from 1945 to 1952.
Yevhen Paton was the first to apply electro-welding in bridge-constraction. Under his guidance a welded bridge was built across the Dnieper river in Kyiv.
Borys Paton, son Yevhen Paton, continue his father’s work. He has done much to develop his father ideas.
In 1964 the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences established the Paton prize for outstanding contributions in the field of materials science, particularly welding technology.