in Post-Secondary Programs 2008 Partners in Learning: Supporting Students with Disabilities in Post-Secondary Programs 2008
Eunice Lund Lucas Trent University Peterborough, Ontario Donna Grau Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario Presenters
Disabilities Office Mandate The mandate of the Disability Services Office is to facilitate and/or provide academic support for students with disabilities in accordance with obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
A Snapshot of Students With Disabilities in Ontario Institutions
The Current Picture – University 16,040 students College 17,662 students ______________ 33,702 students
Process for Accessing Services Students wishing to access support based on disability self-identify to the Disability Services Office (DSO) and provide documentation of their disability. Meeting with a case manager to review documentation and assess specific needs. Implementation of academic accommodation plan.
Structure and Who to Contact Manager Policy and procedure development questions over process general inquiries / concerns requests for departmental support Accommodations/Exams Coordinator exams questions in regards to classroom support (e.g. notetaking) Academic Coaching for students with psyc disabilities Receptionist General inquiries about our services
Structure – cont’d Learning Strategist Reviewing and reframing assessment information for students with LD/ ADHD Recommending strategies to students and Academic Coaches Recommending technologies which would work for specific learning problems Screening and Facilitation for on-site LD assessments Adaptive Technologist Demonstrating and Instructing students on the use of adaptive technologies for learning Assisting students with sourcing adaptive software/hardware through OBSWD Development and management of DSO database Assisting staff in DSO with computer support
Classroom Supports notetakers classroom aides (as needed and per documentation) alternative text formats recording of lectures access to overheads Computerized Notetaking ASL Interpreters, etc
Test and Exam Supports Test/Exam support is based on documented need and type of exam extended time reader scribe use of a computer with or without adaptive technology adapted exam (where warranted by documentation and with professor’s agreement) distraction-reduced environment
Support Transition Programs Set up originally for students with LD/ADHD Expanded in the past two years to include all disability groups Lakehead & Trent Examples
The Importance of Transition Planning LOTF research about what supports success for LD students Need for student to be engaged with the process Support for the changing role of the parent
Issues for the students - and their support team – to consider Research program of study and supports available Know their learning strengths and specific learning needs Consider what, if any, flexibility they may need from their chosen program/institution Become self-advocates Consider funding for accommodation – OBSWD and Canada Study Grant
What Guides Us? Is there a disability that results in a gap between ability and performance/achievement? a. The mere presence of a condition doesn't necessarily require accommodation - chronic illness that doesn't interfere with participation (diabetes) - ADHD or epilepsy that is effectively medicated, without side effects (rare) Relate the accommodation requirements to the disability a. Learning Disability accommodations depend on the interaction between the precise type of LD and the curriculum requirements b. Consideration of previous educational accommodations (guided, not driven by this in post-secondary)
Accommodation Decision Making Process
Striking the Balance - Dignity of the person and the integrity of the academic program -Accommodation not modification -Preventative investments and imposed measures -Needs vs. wants of persons with disabilities
Where to seek Supports/ Information Check out the websites of the various Disability Support Offices (DSO) a listing of all of the DSOs - Resource for generally accepted practices/guidelines on - Accommodation for various disabilities - Documentation Guidelines - Determining Essential Criteria
Other Resources Guidelines on Accessible Education
So, who are the partners ??? Students with disabilities Parents of these students Teachers of these students Guidance Counsellors Admissions personnel DSO staff Faculty Advisors
Contact Info Donna Grau - Lakehead University Thunder Bay, ON Eunice Lund-Lucas – Trent University Peterborough, ON