Gonghua Liu, Ph.D. Instructional Designer & Technologist Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library, Emory University
People we are serving – students, residents, faculty members The School of Medicine School of Nursing School of Public Health Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Emory Healthcare Help Library users use the library & access resources in different ways Face to face consultation Classroom instruction Workshop Online communication eLearning modules WHSC Library
eLearning: An alternative teaching or learning option Informationist Instructors in class Content developer Media developer: Write storyboard Design layout Add media elements Two Web-based instructional formats: Interactive primers (using JavaScript) Text content with images & animation Spry Ressessing Video based eLearning modules eLearning
Presentational video Presentation, speech, interview Camtasia video Multimedia presentation communicating information Screencast video Similar to Camtasia but concentrate on screen- based learning activities Flash Animation Animation created from Flash and embedded in the text-based eLearning modules Types of video used
Creating video Camcorder: A portable video camera and video recorder Basic camcorder operating skills: how to use viewfinder, focus (auto) and zoom, panning (using tripod) Quality Hardware: lens, CCD and resolution Shooting skills: Composition, lighting, framing, backdrop Conversion AVI, MPEG Software editing (Adobe Premiere Elements) Import video file Editing: Remove unwanted parts / No extra audio / Select a video format Deployment HTML tags Dreamweaver Presentational Video
Presentational video
Creating video Camtasia Studio: Timeline based media presentation tool Media assets: internal (callouts) and external Script (content document) Storyboard (detailed media use – where & when) Audio driven (storyboard is created based on the narration file) Creativity (graphic design, color, background music) Finished video: multiple options Deployment: Save options Formats: wmv, mov, avi, mp4, etc. Players Transfer the html code from generated file to the styled file. Camtasia Video
Jing: capture image & video (less labor intensive) No external and internal media elements No media editing tools Less creativity (footage content is “recorded”) Concentrating on screen activity Annotate captured images: balloon & arrows Good for demonstrating a process (short period) Audio (narration) is also important Script is useful (possible recording while narrating) Frame rate: limited to 10 fps Video format: SWF (Dreamweaver) or FLV Screencast Video
Screencast video
Flash Professional Animation used in interactive primers as secondary content Creativity is the key: interesting and capturing viewer’s attention Animation can be created in different ways Timeline animation: Classic tween, motion tween, shape tween and frame to frame animation. ActionScript animation (ActionScript) Can be saved in different video formats: SWF only Deployment: SWF or converted formats Flash Animation Video
Flash animation (video)