STRATEGIC HUMANITARIAN SERVICES (SHUMAS) Cameroon SHUMAS Agricultural program By Salliana Fondo P.O. Box 5047 Nkwen Bamenda Tel: (+237) Website:
Program Overview 1. Introduction 2. The Problem 3. Objectives of the program 4. SHUMAS intervention strategies –Organic farming and training center in Kumbo –Renewable energies (will be discussed under environmental program) 5. Challenges 6. Future Plans
Introduction Agriculture is therefore the backbone of the Camerioonian economy About 70% of the population live in rural areas and practice small scale subsistence farming The population practice mostly rain-fed agriculture SHUMAS is focused on sustainable rural development aimed at improving livelihoods, reducing poverty and empowering people to realize their potential
The Problems Deline in soil fertility Low crop yields and low livestock productivity Unsustainable farm practices (e.g slash and burn, very short or no fallow periods) Lack of farmer extension services Lack of viable seeds and seedlings for farmers Uncontrolled/indescriminate application of farm inputs (chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc) Improper management techniques and decreasing farm sizes Climate change issues
Poor crop yields
Objective of the program To enhance the income level of small scale (peasant) farmers in sustainable agriculture methods, food availability and environmental sustainability thus contributing to reduce poverty and hunger in the country Train unemployed youths and leaders of farming communities through the SHUMAS integrated organic farming and training center
4. SHUMAS intervention strategy We believe that isolated action cannot lead to any meaningful development Hence SHUMAS adopted an integrated and participatory approach to developing and empowering rural and peri-urban communities SHUMAS trains farmers and unemployed youths on sustainable integrated organic farming (mixed farming) through the SHUMAS Integrated Organic Farming and Training Center in Kumbo
Partial View of the Organic Farm (Biofarm), area of about 55 hectares
Why organic farming? Organic agricultural practices increases yields with less external inputs It is more resilient to climate change It is very simple and easy to carry out Organic inputs preserve the soil quality Farmers could prepare their own inputs (e.g. compost) which costs little or nothing All or most input are obtainable from the farm with little or no cost.
What the Center does It trains farmers, unemployed youths, interested farmers, leaders of farming communities and students on various sustainable integrated agricultural methods (composting, agro-forestry, bio-fertilizers, and integrated livestock farming) and renewable energy forms (wind energy, Biogas, micro hydro turbines, solar etc)
Training Duration The center offers two major types of courses. –A long course program that last for 2 years; at the end the trainees obtain a diploma and 10 months intensive course where trainees obtain a certificate. –short modular courses that last from 1 month to two years –Even shorter courses of between 3 days and 1 week for farmers who do not meet the training conditions Upon completion of training graduates are provided loans to enable set up their own farms and replicate what they have learned.
Training conditions People with at least with a FSLC are eligible People of ages between 17years to 45 years. Training is free. SHUMAS is partnering with MINADER and MINEPIA under the AFOP program to train youths free of charge.
Beneficiaries Youths Small scale farmers Study visitors. Researchers Students on internship. Students / pupils on excursion trips could visit and benefit from the centre. Academicians. Volunteers, tourists etc
Different Units of the Organic Farm CROP UNIT Organic food crop production (potatoes beans and maize) Off season Gardening (different vegetable types) Maize and potatoes seed selection unit Medicinal plant garden
Maize Farm
Nursing of vegetable seeds in the farm
Cipira (Solanum potatoes) at 5 Weeks.
Organic tomoatoes and other vegetables at the Organic Farm
Egg plant at the Organic farm
Animal Unit Cattle rearing. Pig farming Poultry farm(layers, broilers and quails). Small Ruminant (rabbits, goats and sheep). Fish Farming. Feed Mixing Unit
Different sections of the animal unit
Cattle and Sheep at the Farm
Part of the poultry section
Piggery (maternity section)
Feed mixing unit
Trainees at the farm
Challenges The whole area in the organic farm is infested by bracken Fern. The organic (Biofarm) project is a pro poor project where most participants unable to pay for the training. Biofarm is still young and the resources are under tapped The road leading to the farm is not so good
Clearing the bracken fern is a monthly issue.
Challenges… Eliminating the bracken fern is not easy. Most of the labor is still manual with just one tractor in the centre.
Thank you !!!