1. People living in Saresolis are all equal on laws.
2. All people living in the city of Saresolis are free unless they put limits on other people’s freedom.
3. Saresolis is responsible for the security, health and education of people. The state takes all the precautions to enable personal economic and cultural progress. These subjects are all arranged by law.
4. Personal rights and responsibilities are under warranty in Saresolis.
5. The basic ideas of Saresolis are education and progress. 10-year education is compulsory and free. The state takes all the precautions to make education up- to-date.
6. Every person has to be a member of at least 2 social associations.
7. Every month each person is given a newspaper and a book by the state freely. The state doesn’t make profit on all the cultural activities.
8. The state offers free health service. If the cure is not available in the city, the citizens can take cure abroad.
9. The state takes all the precautions to prevent environmental pollution.
10. All languages are freely used in the city. English is accepted as the basic language.The state takes precautions to have people learn English. ( If wanted the state opens courses on other languages.)
11. The state is responsible for protecting and supporting the artists and scientists.
12. The press is free and it can not be censored: However the press cannot prevent the personal rights.
13. The state wants each person to take a branch at sport. This must be supported and monitored by the state.
14. Each citizen must plant at least seven trees. People who don’t obey that have to contribute to a student’s education.
15. Everyone can do trade freely under law.
16. The state has to protect the historical assets. Personal benefit is under society benefit.
17. The state is responsible for providing a happy retirement for people.
18. The state gives importance on teachers. It takes precautions to enable them travel and find materials.
19. Each citizen has a doctor, a lawyer and a psycholog.
20. The state supports the citizens to have their own hauses.
21. Law is approachable and basic law education is taught to all citizens.
22. Press vehicles cannot be seized.
23. No one can be compelled to explain beliefs and ideas.
24. Universities are independent scientific organizations.
25. Seas and coasts belong to all citizens. Every citizen has to go on holidays.
26. Each citizen has to visit at least one country in each year.
27. The people of Saresolis help the other people in the world in the case of disasters.
28. Environmental energy sources are vital to the state and the world.
29. The people of Saresolis protects the animals and plants that are in danger of extinction.
30. There must be green areas and scientific places in public areas.
31. No one can be compelled to do something that s/he doesn’t want to do.
32. The state protects the forests.
33. Internet is free.
34. Everyone has a freedom to travel and accomodate.
35. The state takes precautions for disabled people.
36. The immigrants are accepted as guest.
37. The state takes precautions to protect orphans.