BioAsia Presents Coal to Diesel Conversion Local - Environmental - Profitable
BioAust Energy is an IP company that offers partnerships or joint ventures with energy producers. ARC Centre for functional Nanomaterials at the University of Queensland is our research partner.
Services provided by BioAsia Energy Licensing of technologies for specific applications Customizing technologies for a particular energy source Conducting feasibility studies for a particular energy source and defined product outputs Providing plant layout and engineering specifications and drawings for specific plant sizes Consultancy services to companies during fuel plant construction and commissioning
Coal to Diesel - Why Now? Our newly developed catalyst enables the process to operate at lower temperature and pressure conditions which results in: significantly lower capital requirements significantly lower capital requirements an increase in flexibility of output. an increase in flexibility of output. Lower production costs increasing margin and profitability Lower production costs increasing margin and profitability No technology risk The Gasification process is very well developed and commercialized. The F-T process was developed by Germans in 1930 and was used primarily for fuel during world war II. Sasol is using this process in South Africa to convert Coal to Liquid. The plant capacity is 200,000 barrel per day.
Coal to Diesel - Why Now? No Market risk Increased price of Crude oil Ready available market for main product Diesel Excellent blending component because of zero sulphur, low aromatics and high cetane no
Steps in Coal to Liquid Process 1.Gasification the partial oxidation of coal with steam to form a ‘syngas’ (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). 2.Gas Cleaning The removal of sulphur from the Syngas to avoid poisoning of catalyst in F-T reactors. 3.Gas Conditioning Optimizing the ratio of CO and H2 to maintain maximum yield. 4.Fischer -Tropsch Reaction The syngas is pass over nanocatalyst to produce high quality, ultra-clean products. Product upgrading The waxy product (C50+) can be hydro cracked to produce small chains(C14+) which are molecules of diesel.
Gas cleaning Gas Conditioning Fischer-Tropsch Reactions` Product Upgrade Partial oxidation Crushing Coal to Liquid Vs Gas to Liquid
Typical Construction
Comparison of Product Benefits of CTL/GTL-FT Barrel 100% white product Excellent blending component with conventional diesel because of its zero sulphur properties. Very low aromatics content High Cetane no in range of 70 to 75
Process benefits due to Nano-Particle Catalysts Lower Operating/Capital costs due to effect of reduced temperatures and pressures in F-T reactor. Lower Operating/Capital costs due to effect of reduced temperatures and pressures in F-T reactor. Long activity life for the catalysts as they are embedded into carbon nanostructures that increase available reaction area and limit the carbonizing effects of the catalyst surface. Long activity life for the catalysts as they are embedded into carbon nanostructures that increase available reaction area and limit the carbonizing effects of the catalyst surface. Low catalyst cost due to production from inexpensive alloys as opposed to conventional metals like platinum, nickel and copper. Low catalyst cost due to production from inexpensive alloys as opposed to conventional metals like platinum, nickel and copper. Low energy requirements less than conventional process. Low energy requirements less than conventional process. Flexible product output i.e. Change in catalyst will change the output product. Flexible product output i.e. Change in catalyst will change the output product.
Why Coal to Liquid??? Value adding to stranded coal resources and existing coal mining operations. Coal of Calorific Value 5700 Kcal/Kg is equivalent to 2.5 barrels (400 liters) of fuel. Relatively low cost flexible production plants that may be scaled to suit the production requirement. This allows companies to enter the fuel industry with relatively low risk and capital outlay.
Why Coal to Liquid??? Easy to build a plant at competitive capital cost due to ready availability of key process components. Operating cost are lowered due to newly developed catalyst, which enables the F-T process at 265 o C and 7 Bar which are less than 50% of conventional technologies. Output of processing plant modules can be altered to produce different fuel volumes. Efficiency of F-T process is nearly 95%
Conclusion A local supply of fuel that does not depend on international markets. Environmental reducing the Emission of Greenhouse gases. Supply that adds margin and profitability to the owners