Yarmouth Waste Water Department Sewer User Fees February 20, 2014
Area Fee Comparisons 2010 MRWA cf/yr Portland- $ Cumberland- $ S. Portld- $ Cape Eliz.- $ Westbrk- $ Gorham- $ Wind’m- $ Freeport- $ Brnsw’k- $ Falmouth- $ AVERAGE- $564.36
Assumptions Revenue Target $1,000,000 (Approximately 70% of total cost)…about equal to the O/M and capital (including debt service) costs. 2,314 service accounts assumed. Flow Volumes from 2012 Water District Data Regional Rate Data from 2010 Maine Rural Water Association (MWRA) Rate Study
Proposed Fee Structure: Hybrid Tiered Use Based Fee Rate Tiers: Small- Standard- Large- Industrial Small user (lowest 15% users) cf Standard (mid 70% of users) ,000 cf Large (In the top 85-95% users) 12,001-21,900 cf Industrial- (Top 5% users) >21,900 cf * Annual flow to be calculated on fourth quarter lowest flow rate normalized for a full year
Proposed Tier Fee Amounts Small User: $100/year Standard User: $350/year Large User: $575/year Industrial User: $1,550 plus a surcharge of 2 cents per cubic foot of water use over 21,900 CF per year
Discounts 20% discount for seniors 70 years of age and over; 50% discount for low income folks that qualify for LIHEAP criteria. Discounts may be combined for a maximum of 60% discount
Septic Tank Pump Out Program Program will be abandoned, however septage from Yarmouth residences will be accepted at the treatment plant at no charge; Town will continue to notify residents that tanks should be pumped out on a three year cycle; Septic System subsidy program will be abandoned.
Hybrid Tiered Approach Summary Table NumberTierRevenueUsage RangeCumberlandFalmouthFreeport Rate Class of UsersSystemProjection(Cubic Feet)Fee Low 347$100.00$34, ,800 Standard 1,620$350.00$566, ,000 $781.60$447.24$ High 231$575.00$133, ,001-21,900 Industrial 116$1,550.00$265, >21,900 2,314$1,000, Industrial Surcharge Rate $ User cost if located in… Local User Currently Base Fee YarmouthCumberlandFalmouthFreeport Apartment Building$0.00$1,550.00$2,812.00$3,995.00$2,418.00$5, Popular Pizza$0.00$1,550.00$5,112.00$9,400.00$5,400.00$13, Assisted Living$0.00$1,550.00$6,976.00$13,780.00$8,040.00$19, Industrial Facility$0.00$1,550.00$9,132.00$18,847.00$10,950.00$26,586.00