Bundelkhand Special Package Animal husbandry Department Madhya Pradesh 1
ACA- Allocation/ Release/ Expenditure Animal Husbandry Department (Phase I) ParticularAmount (in Cr.) ACA Release Expenditure Percentage of exp UC Balance at GOI * The utilization certificate of Rs cr sent to GoI on dated
s.noSchemeAllocation (Cr) Release (Cr.)Total Exp.(Cr.) 1Murra-Bull Supply Goat supply Establishment of Fodder bank Goat breeding farm Establishment of Livestock Development centers by NGO Dairy development works Cattle Feed Plant & Milk Marketing Total ACA Scheme wise Allocation/ Release/ Expenditure Animal Husbandry Department (Phase I) 3
No. Name of district Phy. targets Supply unit (no) Release (Amt. Cr.) Expenditure (Amt. Cr.) Sagar Damoh Chatarpur Tikamgarh Panna Datia Total Animal Husbandry Department Murra bull Supply Scheme 4
No. Name of district Phy. targets Supply unit (no) Total allocation (Amt. Cr.) Release (Amt. Cr.) Expenditure (Amt. Cr.) Sagar Damoh Chatarp ur Tikamg arh Panna Datia Total Animal Husbandry Department Goat Supply Scheme 5
s. No PlaceAllocationExpenditureStatus Ratona,Sagar0.50 Completed 2Minora,Tikamgarh0.50,, 3Pawai,Panna0.30,, Total1.30,, Animal Husbandry Department Establishment Of Fodder bank Godowns 6 (in cr.)
7 Animal Husbandry Department Goat breeding farm ActivityAllocationExpenditureStatus Goat shed (Minora) 1.99 Completed Open paddock Fodder storage godowns Multipurpose rooms Watch tower Drilling tubewells, submersible pumps and pipe fittings (in cr.)
Development of Livestock development centers through volunteer sector 8 Physical Targets Allocation Selected NGO Remarks cr BAIF Developm ent research foundation Bhopal All 110 LDC identified by NGOs have started functioning (23193 AI done and 1288 calf born up to January 2014)
ParticularsSagarChattarp ur DamohPannaTikamgarhDatiaTotal Formation of Milk societies Targets Achiev Purchase of BMC Targets Achiev Up gradation of Dairy Plants Targets Achiev Average Milk Collection KG/Per day (As on ) Targets Achiev Expenditure Cattle Feed Plant and Milk Marketing (Exp.) Animal Husbandry Department MP State Cooperative Dairy Federation 9 An amount of Rs Cr received on for activities of cattle Feed Plant at Sagar and Marketing Activities in Bundelkhand Region of which an expenditure of Rs 8.01 Cr has been incurred till date.
CS and CSS Target/ Expenditure Animal Husbandry Department ParticularAmount (in Cr.) CS/CSS39.30 Released36.54 Expenditure
Animal Husbandry Department Provision of Travis and Shade for expansion of Veterinary 7.00 cr Services(1000) Establishment LN2 Plant 2.68 cr Establishment of Farmers and AI Training Centre 5.00 cr Accelerated Fodder Development Program [AFDP] 7.13 cr Provision of Murrah Buffalo Bulls through Male Calf cr Procurement & Rearing Unit Establishment of Livestock Development Centers in cr Bundelkhand Region TOTAL 50.67cr
Animal Husbandry Department (Dairy) Consolidation of Existing DCSs, Training & Project cr Monitoring Strengthening of Dairy Plant, Milk Procurement & Marketing 4.80 cr infrastructure Technical Input Services 9.00 cr TOTAL cr
ACA- Allocation/ Release/ Expenditure Animal Husbandry Department (Phase II) SchemeACA recommended for Release from GOI Fund Issued by Dept. Expenditure Provision of Travis and Shade for expansion of Veterinary Services in Bundelkhand Establishment of LN2 Plant at Ratona Farm Sagar Establishment of Farmers and AI traininng centre at Ratona Farm Sagar Establishment of Murrah Buffalo Male Calf Rearing units Total Dairy Development Program (MPCDF) Grand Total NOTE - The utilization certificate of Rs 6.23 cr sent to GoI on dated (Rs in Cr)
Physical Progress and Status of Animal Husbandry Activities under Bundelkhand Special Package phase II S. N o. Name of the Project Released Amount (In Cr ) Physical Progress / Status 1Establishment of LN2 Plant at Ratona, Sagar 2.68Land has been allotted for establishment of LN2 plant at Ratona Farm, Sagar. The amount Rs lakh has been issued to MPLUN (construction agency) for construction of plant building. 2Artificial Insemination & Farmers training centre at Ratona, Sagar 1.00Land has been allotted & the amount Rs lakh has been issued to MPLUN (construction agency) for construction of training centre at Ratona Farm, Sagar. 3Establishment of Murrah Male Calf Rearing unit at Ratona, Sagar 1.12The amount Rs lakh has been released for renovation work at bull rearing unit, Ratona, Sagar to MPLUN & Rs Lakh released to HLDB Farms for procurement of Murrah Bulls (Calves). The total Expenditure is Rs lakh. 4Provision of Travis and Shade for expansion of Veterinary Services in Bundelkhand 1.05An amount of Rs lakh has been released to the Gram panchayats of Bundelkhand Region for construction of shed and amount of Rs lakh utilized for supply of Trevis in the Bundelkhand Region. The total Expenditure is Rs lakh. Total5.85
Physical Progress and Status of Dairy Development Activities (by MPCDF) under Bundelkhand Special Package phase II The Milk unions have spent an amount of Rs crore against the activities envisaged in the sanctioned project proposal. The details are as under: Refresher training of DCSs functionaries (23 Secretaries, 19 Testers and 95 Animal Health Workers). Providing Technical input i.e. AI Activities through 138 AI Centres and performed 7785 AI. Consolidation of Existing 561 Dairy Cooperatives - This includes Supervision & Extension Activities, Milk transportation of DCSs, Operation of Bulk Milk Coolers etc. This is resulted the achievement of milk procurement of Kg per day in the project area.