Heating Homes with High-Efficiency Wood-Burning Fireplaces Kim Kepchar, NFI* Certified (Master Hearth Specialist) Jonathan Schnyer, NFI* Certified (Wood-Burning Specialist) *For 25 years, the independent non-profit Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Education Foundation (HPBEF) has offered certifications for professionals in the hearth industry. In 2001, the HPBEF formed the National Fireplace Institute® as the national certification agency for the industry. A comprehensive review process was conducted with the help of industry installers, technical experts, and hearth business owners to determine what industry professionals need to know.
Code Changes for Masonry Fireplaces To gasket or not to gasket: ICC Residential Code Changes N ( ) Fireplaces. (2009) New wood-burning fireplaces shall have gasketed doors and outdoor combustion air. R Fireplaces. (2012) New wood-burning fireplaces shall have tight- fitting flue dampers and outdoor combustion air.
Fireplace and Woodstove Myths Outside air kits improve open fireplace performance. Tile, rock or other noncombustible material on a wall acts as a heat shield, reducing the clearance requirement to combustibles. Tile, stone or other noncombustible material is sufficient floor protection for a wood stove or hearth.
Fireplace Myths Continued Clearances are clearances, and they don’t vary between make, model and type. A masonry chimney is safer than a high- temperature factory-built chimney system.
Costs and benefits: Masonry Versus High Efficiency Costs and disadvantages – Masonry fireplace chimney, foundation, hearth: $12,000-$20,000. Requires footer. Significant heat loss while in use. – High-efficiency fireplace system, framed chase: $9,500-$20,000. Shorter lifespan than masonry fireplaces. Benefits and advantages – Masonry fireplaces: aesthetics, ambiance, adds value to house. – High-efficiency systems: aesthetics, ambiance, cost savings, back- up heat source, little heat loss. Assumes 20’ chimney, 60” wide by 24” deep.
Benefits of heating with wood Sustainable Environmentally friendly Cost savings over most heating systems Works without electricity Aesthetically pleasing NOTHING heats like wood!
High-Efficiency Fireplace Planning Start early Supplementary or primary heat source? Venting plan Appliance location Forced air circulation? Other heat system? Gravity and fan-driven vent kits Electricity Hearth extension Mantel, surround and facade
Efficiency and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive. BIS Ultima Clean Face with Louvers 2.0 Ft 3 firebox, heating capacity 1500 ft % efficient, 3.7 grams per hour emissions
Questions? nd St. SE in the IX Building in Downtown Charlottesville woodensun.com