What is Smart911?
What is Smart911? Smart911 is a secure application designed to allow the public to create a Safety Profile that contains personal information. The profile may include information about their family, their residence, their place of employment, medical conditions, pets, photos, etc. Subscribers can link their profile to ANY phone that may be used by them to access emergency services.
How does it work? Once subscribers have created a profile, it is stored in the Smart911 database. When a call is received at SNOPAC, the phone # is automatically sent to Smart911 to see if a profile has been created. The profile will then display on the resource PC at that Call-takers position. The Profile has a lifespan of 45 minutes that can be extended by the SNOPAC Supervisor.
SNOPAC’s Policy Call-takers should enter the Ticket # from Smart911 into the narrative of the call-for-service. Dispatchers and Responders can then launch the Responder Portal to view the profile and gather any information they need to help manage their response.
Top Features in a Safety Profile Associated addresses for the 9-1-1 caller, tying cell phone calls to near by, valid locations A list of emergency contact information, location access information, medical information, vehicle information for persons in the profile Ability to SMS any cell phone on the profile, not just the one that called 9-1-1
Top Features in a Safety Profile 4. Ability to ping any cell phone the citizen authorized in their Safety Profile, saving time and effort with no need for subpoenas, phone calls, faxes, etc. to the cell phone providers. Example of when to use: RP’s 17 year old daughter has runaway and is texting suicide threats to her friends…
The Dispatcher/Responder Portal https://www.smart911.com/dispatch Launch the login screen and enter the User ID and Password. The user name and password are unique to each SNOPAC agency. The password is case sensitive.
The Dispatcher/Responder Portal The portal will open… Enter the complete ticket number here, including the date & dash. The profile will be displayed if the ticket is still active. A Ticket has a 45 minute lifespan, which can be extended by SNOPAC.
The Dispatcher/Responder Portal The profile will be displayed and you can click and search any of the tabs or icons. Safety Profile Map Chat Event Log Click on the x to close any of the windows in the portal and other windows will expand. Safety Profile information about people, addresses, vehicles etc. Click on any tab to view information. Use the orange arrows to expand a selection to view ALL the information
Smart911 Chat If necessary, Responders can initiate a chat session with the caller using the Chat feature. You may opt to use chat if you see this alert in the profile … Or you may initiate a chat with any phone in the profile that is SMS enabled.
Smart911 Chat Click the chat ICON Select a phone from the profile from the list of SMS capable phones. Click ‘START CHAT’ The RED phone indicates which phone # initiated the 911 call and the Smart911 ticket
Smart911 Chat Use the text box to type your message and click ‘SEND MESSAGE’ When finished click ‘END CHAT’ and a message will be sent indicating you are no longer monitoring the chat session. Note: A limit of 160 characters since some carriers have limited text capabilities.
Smart911 Map You access the Map feature by clicking the ‘waypoint’ The map will display locations of addresses in the profile and/or the ping location for a cellular call.
Smart911 Map If you need to ping a cell phone, click on “QUERY”. A list of all phones in the profile that can be pinged will be shown. Select the phone # Click update map
Smart911 Map The map will refresh once it has obtained information from the cell carrier. Click on the phone icon and you can view the Lat/Long and confidence factor. 4518m for this ping