HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN SWIMMERS Daniel Gerrard BMedLabSci David Gerrard MBChB Dunedin School of Medicine, U of Otago New Zealand
APPLIED SCIENCE CLINICAL INTERFACE “Coaches and scientists seeking measures of enhanced performance balanced by clinicians searching for indicators of failing adaptation and consequent ill-health...”
INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS Endurance training Red Blood Cell (RBC) genesis, turnover Anaemia Haptoglobin function
POSTULATE “That endurance-trained athletes show haematological evidence of enhanced oxygen transport.”
POSTULATE “That endurance training is characterised by a younger RBC population”
STUDY AIMS To establish haematological parameters for two, age-dependent cohorts of male swimmers & compare these with established laboratory normal values.
SUBJECTS SUBJECTS Endurance-trained males Masters group “M” (n=11, mean age 58yrs) Youth group “Y” (n=20, mean age 22.1yrs) Pooled group “M+Y” (n=31, mean age 35yrs)
METHODS METHODS Venous blood samples drawn Participants recruited from local swim squads. Endurance training criteria applied University of Otago ethical approval
HAEMATOLOGICAL MEASURES HAEMATOLOGICAL MEASURES Venous samples RBC indices Hb concentration Haematocrit TWCC Reticulocyte count Serum Haptoglobin
RESULTS Significant inter-age differences Compared to “normal” values there was: Decrease in RBC parameters, Hb,Hct,haptoglobin levels Increase in MCV (“runners’ macrocytosis”) Reduced reticulocytes
ENDURANCE TRAINING (1) Physiological adaptations… Influence on cardio- respiratory efficiency… Improved efficiency of oxygen delivery
ENDURANCE TRAINING (2) Mechanical trauma to RBCs Altered cell membrane fragility Haemolysis Reduced Haptoglobin levels Younger RBC population
RED BLOOD CELL ROLE O 2 transport Haemoglobin (Hb) 4 globin subunits (alpha + beta) Porphyrin molecule = Haem Binds iron 4 haeme molecules per Hb molecule
RBC PRODUCTION Regulated by Erythropoietin (EPO) Reticulocytes from bone marrow RBC lifespan days 1% replaced daily Haemolysis = erythropoiesis Constant RBC mass
INFLUENCES on RBCs INFLUENCES on RBCs Metabolic, mechanical, oxidative stresses Reduced lifespan Increased immature population of RBCs Anaemia (hypoxia) Destruction > synthesis ? Optimal haematological parameters for athletes
ANAEMIA ANAEMIA Decrease in RBC mass Link with diminished athletic performance Dilutional anaemia Intravascular haemolysis (mechanical) Dietary iron (nutritional) Haeme & non-haeme sources
HAPTOGLOBIN HAPTOGLOBIN Acute phase plasma protein Binds Hb from haemolysed RBCs Hapt-Hb complexes Hepatic removal Resultant decreased serum Hapt levels Inversely related to intravascular haemolysis
CONCLUSIONS (1) That the dilutional anaemia of exercise is the result of more than a simple expanded plasma volume.
CONCLUSIONS (2) That rising haptoglobin levels may provide a useful index of endurance training.
CONCLUSIONS (3) An increased RBC turnover may explain the association between a younger RBC population & increased oxygen delivery.
CONCLUSIONS (4) Further research is indicated to determine the effects of endurance training & age on haematological parameters.