The Kingdom Animalia Gaiser Life Science
Know What do you know about animals as a group? Evidence Page # “I don’t know anything.” is not an acceptable answer. Use complete sentences. After listening to the PowerPoint lecture, come back here and list evidence to explain why your answer to the above question is or is not a good answer. You may also use other outside sources to help you respond.
Clarifying ?s Information Page # characteristics 1. multicellular Animalia 2. eukaryotes3. heterotrophes types The animal kingdom is divided into 35 phyla (plural of phylum). Because of time limitations, we will look at the phyla chordata, mulluska, metazoa (formerly porifora), and cnidaria. chordates- These are animals having a notochord (dorsal nerve cord) at some time during their lifespan. Some are vertebrates and some are not. vertebrates - members of the subphylum vertebrata - organisms having a backbone or spinal column Examples: fish, amphibiams, reptiles, birds, mammals - These are organisms not having a backbone or spinal column. They can belong to the phylum chordata (in the subphyla urochordata and cephalochordata) or many of the other major phyhla. Examples: invertebrates 1. porifera (sponges) 2. chordata (lancelet, tunicates) 3. molluska (clams, scallops, oysters) 4. cnidaria (jellyfish, coral, hydra, sea anemones)
Clarifying ?s Information Page # food Animalia herbavore- eats vegetation only Examples: elephant, cow, hamster carnivore- eats other animals only Examples: cougar, wolf, lion omnivore- eats plants and animals Example: bear, human, crows reproductionMost reproduce sexually (sharing genetic material). A few can reproduce by budding and fragmentation. Examples: The hydra can form buds that break off and form new hydra organisms. The sea anemone can break into several pieces - each piece becoming a new organism. FYI: Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles are cold blooded. That is, their body temperature is the same as their surroundings. Birds and Mammals are warm blooded. In other words, their body temperatures are significantly higher than their surroundings. habitatsLand dwelling animals - houses, burrows, nests, caves, trees Sea dwelling animals - water, caves, reefs, shipwrecks Impact Americans produce an average of 2 kg of trash per day or over 700 kg per year. Summary:
Clarifying ?s Information Animalia Page # characteristics 1. multicellular 2. eukaryotes3. heterotrophes types The animal kingdom is divided into 36 phyla (plural of phylum). Because of time limitations, we will look at the phyla chordata, mulluska, metazoa (formerly porifora), and cnidaria. chordates- These are animals having a notochord (dorsal nerve cord) at some time during their lifespan. Some are vertebrates and some are not. vertebrates - members of the subphylum vertebrata - organisms having a backbone or spinal column Examples: fish, amphibiams, reptiles, birds, mammals invertebrates - These are organisms not having a backbone or spinal column. They can belong to the phylum chordata (in the subphyla urochordata and cephalochordata) or many of the other major phyhla. Examples: 1. porifera (sponges), 2. chordata (lancelet, tunicates), 3. molluska (clams, scallops, oysters), 4. cnidaria (jellyfish, coral, hydra, sea anemones)
Clarifying ?s Information Animalia Page # food herbavore- eats vegetation only Examples: elephant, cow, hampster carnivore- eats other animals only Examples: cougar, wolf, lion omnivore- eats plants and animals Example: bear, human, crows reproductionMost reproduce sexually (sharing genetic material). A few can reproduce by budding and fragmentation. Examples: The hydra can form buds that break off and form new hydra organisms. The sea anemone can break into several pieces - each piece becoming a new organism. FYI: Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles are cold blooded. That is, their body temperature is the same as their surroundings. Birds and Mammals are warm blooded. In other words, their body temperatures are significantly higher than their surroundings. habitatsLand dwelling animals - houses, burrows, nests, caves, trees Sea dwelling animals - water, caves, reefs, shipwrecks Impact Americans produce an average of 2 kg of trash per day or over 700 kg per year. Summary:
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