CLEANOVA : An new generation lectrical power train An new generation of electrical power train
THE PARTNERS DASSAULT Group Serge DASSAULT, President of the DASSAULT Group, considers EV’s as a high tech activity which represents for them a diversification of their knowledge & experience in aeronautics, with the development of board computer systems and especially of energy management on board. HEULIEZ Group Gérard QUEVEAU, President of the HEULIEZ Group, started investing massively in 1983 in the activity of complete vehicle derivates. HEULIEZ has been developing and manufacturing more than EV’s for over 15 years now. S.V.E. DASSAULT & HEULIEZ have created a specific company 100% dedicated to the Electric Vehicle : Société de Véhicules Electriques. SVE ‘s mission is to develop a new electric traction system that can be adapted to most vehicles.
The Cleanova® system developed by SVE is based on the most recent new electrical technologies so that CLEANOVA is one of the best offer on the EV market especially concerning the performances, the range, driving comfort and the lifespan. The CLEANOVA’s equipments : a Lithium-ion battery a permanent magnet synchronous motor an optimised electronic vehicle management system an eco-friendly conditioning system The main Cleanova’s characteristics :
The different modes : CLEANOVA : On the “100% electric” version, the powerful and compact motor drive the front wheels. On each deceleration, the vehicle’s kinetic energy is converted into electrical power that is used to recharge the battery. CLEANOVA + : On the “range extender” version the thermal motor charge the battery while driving. This version can also be used on “pure electric traction” mode. Thermal motor Electric motor + - Battery Outlet Range extender option
CLEANOVA I CLEANOVA II CLEANOVA III At the 2004 Geneva Motor Show, SVE presented its first prototype CLEANOVA I, a completely new 5 passengers car. In order to enable a large number of users to benefit from SVE’s innovations in the field of clean vehicles, the company has chosen to integrate its technology into a mass market vehicle, and has thus developed CLEANOVA II : this model, based on a Kangoo platform, has been presented during the PARIS Motor Show in October The adaptability of the SVE’s electric drive train has been confirmed by CLEANOVA III, based on a SCENIC platform and presented at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show. CLEANOVA prototypes :
The CLEANOVA’s performances : CLEANOVA II (100% electric) CLEANOVA II PLUS (with range extender) Range : Urban use Suburban use Urban-Suburban use 210 km 150 Km 170 Km 530 km 390 Km 450 Km Performances : 0-50 km/h 0 à 100 Km/h maximum speed 6,7 sec 13,4 sec 130 Km/h 6,7 sec 13,4 sec 130 Km/h Loading time : On a standard wall outlet (230V-16A) : On a 32A outlet : Fast loading (35Kw – 150A) : 8 hours for a complete charge 4 hours for a complete charge 30 min for 70 % of charge 8 hours for a complete charge 4 hours for a complete charge 30 min for 70 % of charge
- After 5 years of research, development and prototyping, SVE has manufactured 30 vehicles witch are tested at the present time by large corporate fleets (La Poste, EDF, big utilities, French municipalities). - A pre-series of some hundreds vehicles will be produced in 2007 dedicated to our testing partners. - The mass production will begin in 2008 from veh/year up to veh/year. Project timing plan :
No pollution : on the “pure electric version”, there is no gas emission. In the hydride version, the gas emission is limited. No noise : the electric motor is perfectly quiet. Low maintenance : electric motor and battery do not need any maintenance. High performance electric motor : the durability, power and efficiency of the electric motor are confirmed. Compact and long life battery : the lithium-Ion battery has the lifespan of the car An optimised energy management system : all the know-how of Dassault has been used to develop the vehicle command systems and the management of the on-board energy. The vehicle base : the Kangoo is well-known on the French market for its durability and polyvalence. The CLEANOVA’s assets :