DISCIPLINE Nutrition Psychology Biology Ag Econ Food Science Animal Science Nursing Health Kinesiology APPROACH Genetic Molecular Cellular Organ System Organism Behavior Policy DETERMINANTS Culture Cognitive Sensory Physical Endocrine Metabolic Neural Thermogenic Ingestive Behavior Research Center INGESTIVE BEHAVIOR
Current IBRC Research Foci Metabolic and Neurohormonal Controls of Feeding Behavior Lifespan Influences on the Regulation of Ingestion and Body Weight The Nature and Function of Gastrointestinal Stimuli The Role of Experience, Cognition, and Sensory Stimuli in Disorders of Intake Regulation
Study Almost Never/ less than once per month 1-3 times per month1 time per week 2-4 times per week greater than 5 times per week Hu, et. al, 1998 (Nurses Health Study) NR Ellsworth, et. al., 2001 (Iowa Women's Study) Albert, et. al., 2002 (Physicians Health Study) NR24.7* Jiang et. al., 2002 (Nurses Health Study) NR USDA, 2000 (CSFII) Young (6-20yr) NR Adults (≥ 21 yr) NR Data reflects the combination of the 2 most frequent categories of nut consumption NR, not reported
Factors Contributing to Less Than Predicted Weight Gain Strong Appetitive Control Elevated Energy Expenditure Energy Loss
Protocol Energy Intake Week 4, 8, 17, 21 Compliance Week 1, 10, 14, 23 Hollis J & Mattes R. Br J Nutr 2007;98:
Hoad CL et al., J. Nutr 2004;134:
Neuroendocrine Factors in Feeding Regulation Leptin Insulin Amylin NPY CRH UCN UCNII Galanin Neurotensin CART Oxytocin Alpha-MSH CCK Corticosterone Serotonin Dopamine MCH Orexins Ghrelin GLP-1 GLP-2 AgRP Beacon Cannabinoids TNF-alpha Beta-Endorphin Dynorphin BDNF PYY IL-6 IL-1 IL-1RA Norepinephrine Amino Acids PRL-RL GAL-LP
Factors Contributing to Less Than Predicted Weight Gain Strong Appetitive Control Elevated Energy Expenditure Energy Loss
Protocol Week 1, 8, 14, 21 Energy Expenditure RMR & TEFTEEPA Week 4, 8,14, 21 (3 Days) Week 8, 21 Hollis J & Mattes R. Br J Nutr 2007;98:
Factors Contributing to Less Than Predicted Weight Gain Strong Appetitive Control Elevated Energy Expenditure Energy Loss
Ellis et al., AJCN 2004;80:604.
Executive Committee: Director: Terry Davidson (Psychological Sciences) Associate Director: Richard Mattes (Foods and Nutrition) Members: Wayne Campbell (Foods and Nutrition) Susan Chen (Agricultural Economics) Shawn Donkin (Animal Sciences) Edward Fox, (Psychological Sciences) Terry Powley (Psychological Sciences) Susan Swithers (Psychological Sciences)