Zeus – King of the Gods / Lord of the Sky Roman Name – Jupiter (Jove) Married to Hera Symbols – lightning bolt, eagle, oak Known for being unfaithful & vain Mount Olympus
Athena – Goddess of Wisdom / Warfare/ Crafts / The City Roman Name – Minerva Symbols – Owl, olive, shield Zeus’ daughter Mentor to Odysseus Gave mortals the olive The Parthenon in Athens
Apollo – God of the Sun / Music / Poetry / Truth / Dance / Shepherds /Archery / Healing Also known as “Phoebus” Twin to Artemis Symbols – lyre, sun, gold, laurel crown
God of the Sea / Earthquakes / Horses Roman Name – Neptune Symbols – trident, horse, dolphin Helped the Greeks win the Trojan War, but became Odysseus’s enemy Poseidon
Artemis – Goddess of the Moon / Childbirth / Wild Creatures Roman Names – Diana & Cynthia Symbols – Silver moon, deer, bow Apollo’s twin sister Magnificent temple in Ephesus (Turkey) One of the virgin goddesses (chaste); turned a mortal man into a stag and killed him for watching her bathe
Hephaestus – God of Fire / Volcanoes / Metalworkers Roman Name – Vulcan Symbols – Fire, anvil Made armor and weapons for the heroes; also made Eros’s arrows, the thrones on Mt. Olympos, and Apollo’s Chariot
Hera Goddess of Marriage / Queen of the Gods Roman Name – Juno Symbols – Peacock, cow, crow, pomegranate Punished the women Zeus pursued Her beauty and virginity are said to be renewed each year
Ares – God of War Roman Name – Mars Symbols – Vulture, dog, and spear Sided with the Trojans in the Trojan War Ongoing affair with Aphrodite
Aphrodite – Goddess of Love / Beauty Roman Name – Venus Symbols – Swan, dove, rose, scallop shell, myrtle Wore a magic girdle that made her even more irresistible
Hades – God of The Underworld / Wealth *Roman Name –Pluto *Symbol – Cap of night *Thought up punishment for those who went to Tartarus (the “hellish” region of Hades.
Map of The Underworld
Demeter – Goddess of The Agriculture / The Harvest / The Seasons Latin Name – Ceres Symbols – Shaft of wheat, cornucopia Gave agriculture to humankind Created the seasons
Hermes – God of Merchants / Good Luck / Thieves / Messages / Cross Roads Roman Name – Mercury Escorted the dead to the Underworld In more myths than any other god or goddess Symbols – winged hat, winged sandals, hazel-wood stick
Dionysus – God of Wine / Revelry / Drama Roman Name – Bacchus Symbols –goblet, vines, grapes, comedy and tragedy masks Invented wine and gave it to humans
Hestia – Goddess of the Hearth and Home Roman Name – Vesta Symbols – Hearth, fireplace Vestal Virgins of Rome were named after her Greeks honored Hestia before meals
The Nine Muses – Goddesses Of the Arts
Calliope was the muse of epic poetry. Clio was the muse of history. Erato was the muse of love poetry. Euterpe was the muse of music. Melpomene was the muse of tragedy. Polyhymnia was the muse of sacred poetry. Terpsichore was the muse of dance. Thalia was the muse of comedy. Urania was the muse of astronomy.
The Three Fates – Sisters Who Determine Lifespan Clotho – Spins the thread Lachesis – Measures the thread Atropos – Cuts the thread