TYPES OF PETS 1 WELCOME! This is a module to teach you all about the different types of Rabbits. This knowledge may help you decide which type of rabbits to get. Click a particular topic in the Navigation Map on the right to go to a particular topic. Or use the navigation buttons at the bottom right to move between the pages or to return to this Home page. Enjoy the module! Types of Rabbits Drawf Lion Head Netherland Drawf Small/ MediumLion Head Holland Lop Mini Rex Click to Read More Click to Read More
TYPES OF PETS 2 Drawf Rabbit Dwarf rabbits comprise the smallest domestic rabbit breeds, most frequently due to the effects of a single dwarfing gene Approx 1.5 to 3.5lbs (.7 to 1.5 kg) For more information about Small/ Medium Rabbits click this WEB-LINK. WEB-LINK
TYPES OF PETS 3 Lion Head The Lionhead rabbit is one of the newer breeds of rabbit and was recognised by the British Rabbit Council (BRC) in 2002, in all known colours and patterns. Imported into the US in the late 1990s, the Lionhead rabbit is currently undergoing the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) evaluation process, as a new breed of rabbit. Distinguishable features are the 'mane' of wool around their head which is similar to that of a male lion, hence the name. The slightly rounded and broad head is set close to the body with short thick upright ears, 2"-3" (5cm-7.5cm) in length, and a well developed muzzle. This is a small rabbit with a fully grown weight of usually between 2.5 and 3.5 lbs ( kg) and not exceeding 3 3/4lbs (1.70 kg). Ideal fully grown weight 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) Average lifespan of the Lionhead rabbit is 7 to 9 years
TYPES OF PETS 4 Netherland Drawf The Netherland Dwarf has a small compact body, short neck and a compact broad head with curved profile and a rounded face. The coat is short and soft and the ears are small, erect, rounded at the tips and just under a quarter of an inch (5cm) in length. A really cute looking rabbit, they look infantile even in full adulthood. They are the smallest of the dwarf breeds with a fully grown weight that can range from 1.5lb to 2.6lb (700 to 1.2 kilos ). In temperament they are timid in nature but lively, and can be highly strung and become stressed easily. This particular breed is one of the most popular pet rabbit breeds. The modern day Netherland Dwarf is a gentle, curious, pet and if handled correctly and often, they will enjoy human companionship.
TYPES OF PETS 5 Small/ Medium Approx 5.5/6lb to 8.5/9lb ( kg) For more information about Small/ Medium Rabbits click this WEB-LINK. WEB-LINK Click the right arrow at the bottom right to see examples of two popular exotic pets - parakeets and terrapins.
TYPES OF PETS 6 Holland Loop The Holland Lop is a breed of rabbit originating in the Netherlands. The breed was recognized by the Netherlands' Governing Rabbit Council in 1964 and the American Rabbit Breeders' Association in They are popular house pets, and are very popular and competitive for show. They are also known for their sweet temperament and nonaggressive behavior, though they retain a certain doglike tenacity. For more information about choosing Holland Lop click this WEB-LINK. WEB-LINK
TYPES OF PETS 7 Mini Rex Mini Rex is a rabbit breed derived from in France in the late 19th century. The Rex mutation is recessive and causes the hair to protrude outwards from the body, instead of lying flat, and the guard hairs to be shortened to the length of the undercoat. The small size, plush coat and friendly personalities of mini rex rabbits make them one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the United States. They were first recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) in 1988, and have been very popular with exhibitors ever since. They weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 pounds when fully grown. They are short and rather close coupled. The ideal length of fur is 5/8 inch, and the fur is to have a lustrous appearance, good body, and a plush- like effect which offers a distinct springy resistance to the touch. This is the last page of this module, click the "Home" button to go back to the Welcome start page.