Welcome to the course for diabetes education for teachers! I am so glad you are here and feel that you will come away with a better understanding of your diabetic students. This topic is very near and dear to my heart as I am a mother of a type 1. While this disease has been challenging and scary, it has also seen my family grow and my daughter thrive from knowing how strong we all are.
Juvenile diabetes, also referred to as type 1 diabetes or diabetes mellitus, is a complex autoimmune disease that affects every aspect of a child’s life that has been stricken with the disease. Great lengths are taken by the family of the diabetic child to decrease the likelihood of complications and increase their lifespan. Often the care of the diabetic is out of the parent’s hands and the care that is received outside of the home is from those with little knowledge of the disease. With children spending more than a third of their day in school settings, there is a void of proper diabetes care in a large portion of their day. This typically stems from a lack of education on what juvenile diabetes is and lack of awareness of how to treat and care for complications related to the disease. Although the different types of diabetes is discussed in this instruction. We will be focusing on type 1.
This presentation will provide a foundation for educators to be able to help diabetic students and locate further information when new situations occur in their classroom or school. For a better understanding of what day to day is like for a diabetic child, I would like to share a video of a family discussing a day in their life with three type 1 diabetic children.
SOURCE: Dreamflight6000. "A day in the life of Type I Diabetes at 3 yrs old.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 29 Aug Web. 24 Aug