Travel Vouchers Procedures for Educational Recovery Staff
The Basics Update daily or weekly Include receipts (hotel, parking) Send 1 SIGNED copy You may use same form each time…Just clear information from previous voucher, update daily information and “save as” with new file name… Be careful NOT to change the formulas in the cells Do not staple…I just have to pry the staples out!
Required on 1 st page of State Travel Voucher Traveler ID/vendor #, Name (as it appears on your tax return), Department Name (KDE MOA), Work Station (your home district/co-op the MOA is through: County name, Physical Street Address, City & State) & home address Codes for Fund (0100 or 12DA), Reporting Code (E****), Unit (2000), Agency (540) and Object Code (E363) “Description:” Dates voucher covers Amounts from each category expense that was incurred (should fill in automatically from page 2, 3, 4, etc.)
Required Items on Second Page Month and Day Time of Departure and Time of Return Location – From and To (use city name…not a county or school name) Use a separate line for each trip, even if on the same day (unless it is one destination RT) Private Auto Mileage Tolls and Parking (if applicable) Lodging (if applicable) Must have “zero balance” room folio…Even if the room is direct-billed, a receipt is required as proof of an overnight stay…”Effective Balance” of 0.00 is NOT acceptable
Required Items on Second Page (continued) Subsistence (if applicable…only if you stay overnight) Breakfast = $7.00 Lunch = $8.00 Dinner = $15.00 No receipts are required for meals. KDE reimburses the above amounts and that’s it…
Required Items on Second Page (continued) Purpose – Please provide name of meeting, where it was held, etc.
Top 6 Errors Claiming travel from home when work station is closer…or vice versa Claiming meals with no overnight stay Not requesting 40-mile waiver Not separating trips taken during the same day – each trip between separate cities, or even separate meetings in the same city, should have its own line and mileage…not lumped together Not filling in all required fields (purpose line, times, etc.) Shortest MapQuest mileage not claimed - IMPORTANT
INCLUDE MAPQUEST Please remember to map 1-way, double that mileage, then round for your “roundtrip” mileage. There is no need to use the “roundtrip” feature offered by MapQuest.
Extras Carpooling and staying with family or friends…I need a name, address and phone # Turn in one voucher at the end of the month Out-of-State travel…Need preapproval!! Watch hotel costs – Use state rate whenever possible
Kristie Kelly Kentucky Department of Education 500 Mero Street – CPT – 8 th Floor Frankfort, KY ext 4065