NAPUS FALL TRAINING CONFERENCE Saturday, Nov 2, 2013 Jerome Vogel
The New MyPO Access to MyPO is now made completely through eAccess The MyPO Certification Survey – is no longer used In eAccess, request MyPO “Blue Intranet” is no longer used To add or remove offices to you MyPO access – Log onto eAccess, select MyPO and modify your current access by adding or removing the FDB number of the office, submit for approval No limit on number of offices – but Each office added will slow down the webpage eCC access is the same – request office in eAccess The system will log the user onto eCC automatically when the eCC Cases icon is clicked
The New MyPO
APO – Recommend they have MyPO access for all thier assigned RMPOs Offices are still required to log on twice a day If you have questions or problems with the Retail Inventory section – contact Retail - not OPS eCC questions or problems – contact Manager, Consumer & Industry Contact or Holly Johnson at the district end
HQ e4003 Program Replacing the Dakotas Rural 4003 Program 50% of offices by end of FY13 100% of offices by end of CY2013 eAccess vrs Rural Specialist approval Ace userid & password used to log on Official Form 4003 does not display boxes 7
HQ e4003 vrs Dakotas The center column of the Form 4003 page is the Header
HQ e4003 vrs Dakotas The Line of Travel Worksheet is the Route (Body) Fills the mileage on the form 4003 page
HQ e4003 vrs Dakotas Dismount Worksheet Dismount locations Weekly dismounts Daily feet Collection Compartments Parcel Lockers Fills the weekly dismounts, weekly dismount distance, number of collection compartments and parcel lockers on the Form 4003 page.
HQ e4003 Program Changes made but not submitted 11 Multiple 4003s created but not submitted
HQ e4003 Program 12 Bank Time actions and Base Hour actions Error Message Changing the number of boxes is a Bank Time action Changing the number of Collection compartments and/or Parcel Lockers is a Base Hour action So the 4003 Program looks for a Base Change
HQ e4003 Program 13 Bank Time actions add/remove time to the route’s “Bank”: Add/remove miles, boxes, stops Add/remove dismounts, distance Base Hour actions add/remove time to the route’s Standard Hours: Adjustments moving deliveries and territory between routes* Detour Collection Compartment Parcel Locker Lock Pouch Seasonal boxes Hardship deliveries Vehicle data
Base Hour actions change the route’s Standard Hours Bank Time actions change the route’s “Bank” time
The 4241-A doesn’t match the The mileage, regular, and/or centralized boxes totals are not the same.
Check the effective dates. Make sure they match.
When boxes and miles are added (or subtracted) to a route, the time associated with the changes are put in “the bank”. When the bank gets to +/- 60 minutes, the miles and boxes will update, the Standard hours will change, the Evaluated Hours may change and the bank will reset to 0:00.
Mileage on the 4241-A This number is the miles the EMA is based upon –it is rounded to the nearest whole mile This number is the actual miles which the route evaluation is based upon E = EMA G = Government vehicle, no EMA paid end
BANK TIME Actions A Bank Time action increases or decreases “Bank” time of the route Adjustments (simple) & Extensions which Add/remove miles, boxes, stops Add/remove dismounts, distance These are the majority of 4003s submitted
BASE HOUR Actions A Base Hour Action immediately increases or decreases Standard Hours of a route. There are two types of Base Hour Actions 1. Automatic Base Hour actions: Collection Compartment Parcel Locker Locked Pouch Vehicle Data 2. Manual Base Hour actions: Territorial Adjustments* Hardship Delivery Detour Seasonal Route Remeasurement Entered in the Base Change section on the 4003:
1. Automatic Base Hour Actions Time Factors: Collection Compartments - 1 minute Parcel Lockers - 2 minutes Locked Pouch - 30 minutes Vehicle Data - minimum of 30 minutes; determined by route mileage Standard Hours of the route will automatically change when the 4003 is processed
22 2. Manual Base Hour Actions Time Factors: Miles - 12 minutes per mile Stops - Zero (no affect on Standard Hours) Dismounts -.10 minute per weekly dismount Dismount Distance minute per foot Dismounts and Dismount Distance are entered by the week: A 20 foot (round trip) dismount that the carrier does M-F (5 days a week) adds 5 weekly dismounts and 100 feet to the Weekly Dismount Distance (20 feet X 5 days/week) Regular Boxes - "non-L" route - 2 minutes per box plus the Volume Factor "L“ route minutes per box plus the Volume Factor Centralized Boxes - 1 minute per box plus the Volume Factor
24 Mixing BASE HOUR Changes Do not combine Automatic with Manual Base Hour Actions on the 4003 unless it is a Territorial Adjustment. If both are entered the 4003 will prompt for a Base Change The Base Change entered will override the Automatic Base Hour Change
Base Hour Actions and Bank Time An Automatic Base Hour Action can be submitted when the route has time in the bank (either + or – minutes in the bank) A Manual Base Hour Action will erroneously erase any bank time In most cases these are Hardship and Detour Actions
27 Entering a Manual Base Hour action when the route has time in the bank Open the 4003, look at Existing values on MainFrame The Standard Hours are 50:12 This route has 15 minutes in the “Bank”
28 Entering a Manual Base Hour action when the route has time in the bank Calculate the time associated with the type of action, in this case it is a Hardship Delivery which adds.50 miles, 1 dismount/6 days a week and 15 feet daily dismount distance.50 miles = 6.00 minutes 1 dismount x 6 days a week = 6 weekly dismounts which =.60 minute 15 daily feet x 6 days a week = 90 weekly feet which =.39 minute = 6.99 or 7 minutes a week Add to the route’s Standard Hours 50:12 + :07 = 50:19 If we were to change the route’s Standard Hours on the 4003 and submit, the 15 minutes of Bank time will be lost.
Click on Display 4241A Values This screen will pop up 29 Entering a Manual Base Hour action when the route has time in the bank
30 Entering a Manual Base Hour action when the route has time in the bank This displays the miles, number & type of boxes, dismounts & dismount distance on the route when it had zero bank time. Since this time the route has added 4 regular boxes with gave the route 15 minutes in the Bank
31 Pick effective date Update LOT and mileage in Line of Travel Worksheet Reset Regular boxes back to when bank was zero Update dismounts & distance in Dismount Worksheet Choose Hardship Save and Submit to District
32 After submitting to district this message will pop up Pick “Yes”
33 Next you will get this message. This will rebuild the Bank time back to 15 minutes after the current number of boxes are entered and the Update button is picked 651 End
34 Creating a Route Inspection 4003
35 HQ e4003 vrs Dakotas 4003
Now you can edit the line of travel – adjust column widths, row heights, add/delete columns, change font size, etc. end
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs In POSt Plan implemented offices, rural routes domiciled in RMPOs are assigned to the APO finance number. All regular rural carriers and leave replacements are also assigned to the APO finance number. After implementation, the RMPO no longer has any rural routes or rural carriers assigned to its finance number. 42
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Regular Rural Carriers Seniority for the carriers in the RMPO will be merged with carriers in the APO and any other RMPO assigned to the APO The Relief Day Work List (RDWL) will remain separate for the APO and each RMPO 43
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Leave Replacement Carriers Leave replacement “seniority” will be merged Determining “the longest period of continuous service in the office” will include the time assigned to the RMPO before the merge The leave replacement assignment list (matrix) will include all routes in the APO and RMPO(s) Management will review the leave replacment matrix to determine if additional cross training is necessary 44
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Leave Replacement Carriers Each RMPO will be considered a separate delivery unit RMPO(s) are other delivery units within the office (APO) When the leave replacement matrix exhausted in the delivery unit, other leave replacements in other delivery units within the office will be designated to work prior to selecting a regular rural carrier to work 45
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Leave Replacement Carriers Leave replacements assigned to an aux route in an RMPO will continue in that assignment A new aux route assignment will be filled by offering the assignment to all leave replacements working in the APO and RMPO(s) 46
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Job Bidding All rural carriers will be eligible to bid on all regular route vacancies in the APO and RMPO(s) based on seniority Afternoon/Saturday Clearance Record the time used for 6 consecutive delivery days Base hour change will be made to the route evaluation Instructions from OPS will be provided 47
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Local Procedures Managers responsible for rural routes in RPMO(s) should establish local procedures for: Submission of leave requests Stamp Stock replenishment Administration of Safety/Service talks Scheduling Posting of vacancy announcements 48
Rural MOU – Rural Routes in RMPOs Electronic 4240 Program The APO office will use the electronic 4240 Program beginning 10/19/2013 Rural carriers and leave replacements in RMPO(s) will be entered in the APO 4240 The RMPO will , fax, or call the APO daily with the rural carriers begin, leave, return, end, lunch and any other time from the previous workday.* end 49
RDWL - Relief Day Work List Sign up periods are only available twice a year, the two weeks before the beginning of the rural guarantee period and the two weeks before the first full pay period in May ALL regular rural carriers regardless of route classification will be given the opportunity to place their name on the list If a regular carrier is needed to work on the relief day: Select from the RDWL by seniority on a rotating basis Accept volunteers from regular carriers not on the list Force regular carriers not on the list by juniority (a regular carrier can be bypassed if would cause the carrier to exceed 2080 workhours or 56 actual hours within one week)
51 RDWL - Relief Day Work List Carrier is on the RDWL and is scheduled by management to work their relief day, the carrier has the choice of compensation: DACA R Code – Future X Day scheduled by mutual agreement between management and the carrier DACA 3 Code – 50% daily wage and future X day scheduled by management DACA 5 Code – 150% daily wage and no X day Carrier not on the RDWL and is scheduled by management to work their relief day, the carrier is compensated: DACA 3 Code – 50% daily wage and future X day scheduled by management
52 RDWL - Relief Day Work List Between the beginning of the Guarantee period, October 19, 2013 and the end of the Christmas OT period, December 27, 2013 All X days earned MUST be used in the same pay period No banked X days can be used during this period.