Sandy Hicks, University of Colorado Joseph Jacobson, Concur NAEP Business Affiliate Corporate Showcase: Concur Travel & Expense Management for Higher Education
Concur for Higher Ed? Why Dedicated team Tailored services Implementation Best practices Change mgmt Client advisory
about Higher Ed What we know
about Higher Ed What we know
Picture of inefficiency Manual or semi-automated = Book Flight Book Hotel Rent Car Other Purchases Track Receipts Expense Report Copy Receipts Mgr. Approval Send to AP Review AP Approval Pay Employee Pay Credit Card Pay Invoices Reporting Check Budget Request Travel Per Diems Delegate/ Proxy Mileage
Travel Expense Barriers and data gaps Disparate systems = Invoice P-card
Redundancies Multiple systems = System B Travel Expense Invoice P-card System A System C System D System E
Efficiency & visibility Single solution = Travel Expense Invoice P-card Same Platform | Same Experience | Consolidated Data
University of Colorado Managed Travel & Expense Program Sandy Hicks, CPPB Assistant Vice President & Chief Procurement Officer
University of Colorado Denver campus Anschutz Medical campus Colorado Springs campus Boulder campus
Procurement Service Center Mission Statement The PSC provides leadership to the University of Colorado in the procurement of goods and services and in paying debts to vendors and travelers by combining sound business controls with efficient and timely service.
Strategic Goals o Streamline the procurement and payable functions of the University o Lead the University in the use of technology to better perform the administrative functions of procurement and payables o Enhance the services provided by the PSC to its customers - the campus departments and vendors.
Focus on Travel Legislative Authority, 2005Regents, November 2009Hired Strategic Sourcing Analyst, March 2010University spends $20M + on travel annually
Approach University Travel analysis o Increasing demand to purchase fares online o Mainly buying full rate airfares o Travel agency fees higher than peer institutions o Cost savings through direct vendor contracts
Approach Travel Council creation AthleticsCIRES College of Arts & Sciences, Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science, Boulder College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Denver LASPPharmacology School of Medicine
Travel Council Recommendations On-line Booking tool Implement Concur Travel Travel Agency RFP that supports Concur Travel Corporate Liability Travel Card
Benefits of Concur Travel o Customized online booking with agent support o Cost savings from direct vendor contracts o Travel agency fee reduction o Simplify the creation of expense reports o Leverage Concur Expense System integration o Integration with one travel agency (best practice)
Features of Concur Travel o “One-Click” Expense report creation from Travel o 24 hour travel reservation access o University contracted rates o Consolidated view of all airlines o Supplier provided “e-Receipts” o Concur Mobile integration o Instant delivery of travel itineraries
RFP Process o PSC met with existing approved agencies o RFP committee comprised of Travel Council o Highly competitive process (12 responses)
Change Management o Transition to Christopherson Business Travel o New agency contact information o Create new travel profile o Training for Concur Travel online booking o Online and agent assisted bookings o Simplify expense report process
Christopherson Business Travel o Local company, 28+ years in Denver o Dedicated CU agents and account team are local o 42 employees o Experience with university travel and Concur o Certified Women-Owned Small Business
Christopherson Business Travel o March 30, 2011 began booking travel o May 1, 2011 Concur Travel goes live o Resulting in 55% reduction in fees o Online: $9.00 o Agent Assisted: $20.00
Results Achieved Concur utilization 45% July % July % Jan 2013
Results Achieved First Year Transaction Fee Savings o On-line tickets $168,872 o Agent assisted tickets $141,288
Travel Policies Internet Airfare Purchase outside Concur employees first must: 1.Compare the full cost (including fees) of the outside site’s fare with fares in Concur 2.Print the list of Concur fares (or, for international travel, reference the quote from CBT) 3.If total cost of the external internet site fare is less than the Concur/CBT fares, travelers can proceed with the purchase using a personal credit card. Airline tickets are not allowed to be purchased on the Travel Card 4.Attach itemized receipt/proof of payment and comparison quote printout to the expense report 5.The expense cannot be reimbursed until after the trip is completed.
Airline Contracts Frontier Airlines o First contract Revenue goal: $1M/year 250 Ascent memberships o Results! o 11% revenue increase o Revised contract Airfare TierDiscount > $25012% $150 - $2507% <$1504% Airfare TierDiscount > $25012% $150 - $2508% <$1505%
Airline Contracts Southwest Airlines o Committed to fly 5000 segments o Discounts tiered based on fare class United Airlines o Unsuccessful first negotiation o Offer: 2% discount for 300 MORE flights per month o Result: United revenue decline was $1M; requested meeting one year later o Offer: 2% discount with no volume commitment
Airline Contract Results Achieved Frontier 140kSouthwest 22kUnited 53k 215k TOTAL
Preferred Hotel Program Over twenty local hotels included in program Benefits o University specific pricing o Complimentary breakfast o Free wifi o Free parking o Free bike rental
Airport Parking Contracts Four providers included in program Benefits o Uncovered rates starting at $4.00 o Covered rates starting at $7.00 o Valet rates starting at $6.75 Savings up to 50% off of published rates
620 cards July ,360 cards July ,863 cards January 2013 Corporate Liability Travel Card $432,920 additional rebate to University Travel Card
Concur Enhancements o Utilization of Mileage Calculator o Unposted Travel Card Charges Report
Concur Travel & Expense Survey o System-wide survey on satisfaction of Concur Travel & Expense and TMC o Released October 29 to campuses o Results: o 1370 responses o 92% satisfaction with TMC o 79% satisfaction with Concur Travel o 76% satisfaction with Concur Expense Overall, positive results with some areas for “quick wins”
Next Steps Concur Optimization Project Based on survey feedback “Quick wins” were implemented March 4 Later phase of issues requiring more vetting Concur Enhancements to improve user experience
Current Travel Program Initiatives CU Specific Car Rental Contracts Customer Outreach Concur free booking fee promo TripIt Pro rollout Concur Optimization