“Aberdeen has a very, very high transport footprint and I think both the citizens and the council need to look at that and see what they can do to reduce.


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Presentation transcript:

“Aberdeen has a very, very high transport footprint and I think both the citizens and the council need to look at that and see what they can do to reduce it” Elizabeth Leighton WWF Transportable

Landrover Larry can’t afford to keep taking his 4x4 into work. He lives in Torry and works at Foresterhill. He works Monday – Friday, 8am- 4pm. What sustainable travel options does he have?

Transportable Motorbike Mickey needs to give up his motorbike over the cold winter months. He lives in Pitmedden and works at Old Aberdeen. His hours are Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. What sustainable travel options does he have?

Transportable Fuel price rises have made Sportscar Steve reconsider his commuting arrangements. He lives in Kingswells and works at Foresterhill. He works Monday – Friday, doing 6am-2pm and 10am-6pm on rotation. What sustainable travel options does he have?

Transportable Car crazy Cath has been challenged by her workmates to travel sustainably during Green Transport Week. She lives in Danestone and works at Old Aberdeen. Her hours are Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. What are her options?

Quiz Transportable

What is an average cycling speed? A- 6mphB- 12mph C- 24mphD- 36mph Questionable 1

A car produces 120gCO 2 /km and has a daily commute of 20km (≈12miles). How much CO 2 is produced per person if 4 people share the car to commute? Questionable 2

If two people travel to the University from opposite directions the first walking at 4mph travelling 2 miles and the second cycling at 12mph travelling 4 miles how many miles from work will the first person meet the second? 3

How much more CO2 is produced by a car travelling at 80mph than a car travelling at 70mph? A- 10%B- 20% C- 30%D- 40% Questionable 4

In 2002, the most recent year for which accurate figures are available, how many cars were in use around the world? A- 221 millionB- 368 million C- 484 millionD- 576 million Questionable 5

The Honda Civic GX has been described as 'the cleanest internal combustion engine on earth.' What is it powered by? A- PlutoniumB- Natural Gas C- Ethanol D- Hydrogen Questionable 6

Of these 2007 model cars which has the lowest CO 2 emissions? A- BMW 1 Series 2.0 Diesel B – Peugeot Diesel C – Ford Focus 1.6 Petrol D- Honda Civic 1.4 Petrol Questionable 7

How quickly would a direct journey from Aberdeen to London (540miles) take if we used the French TGV (double decked railed train)? A – 1 hour 14 minutes B – 1 hour 31 minutes C – 1 hour 53 minutes D – 2 hours 18 minutes Questionable 8

What percentage of HGV mileage is generated by drivers getting lost? A – 5% B – 7% C – 12% D – 15% Questionable 9

Match the following countries to their percentage of journeys made by bicycle. A - UK11% B - Germany2% C - Holland18% D - Denmark27% Questionable 10

On average what percentage of our disposable income is spent on transport? A – 10% B – 15% C – 20% D – 25% Questionable 11

How many passenger miles are flown from British airports in a year? A – 1287 Billion B – 287 Billion C – 28.7 Billion D – 2.8 Billion Questionable 12

Where would you find a headset? A – Car B – Bus C – Walking Boots D – Bicycle Questionable 13

How many bicycles could be produced with the energy and materials required to build one car? A – 30 B – 60 C – 100 D – 150 Questionable 14

Under-inflated tyres are dangerous and result in more fuel being used. How much more? A – 0.5% B – 0.7% C – 1.0% D – 1.5% Questionable 15

Which of the following won’t improve the fuel efficiency of your car? A – Cleaning the air filter B – Changing the oil C – Ensuring tyres are at the correct pressure D – Driving with windows open rather than having air conditioning on Questionable 16

How many planets worth of resources would we need if everyone on earth used as many resources as the average resident of Aberdeen? A- 2.46B C- 2.92D Questionable 17

Answers Transportable

What is an average cycling speed? A- 6mphB- 12mph C- 24mphD- 36mph Questionable 1

A car produces 120gCO 2 /km and has a daily commute of 20km (≈12miles). How much CO 2 is produced per person if 4 people share the car to commute? 600g Questionable 2

If two people travel to the University from opposite directions the first walking at 4mph travelling 2 miles and the second cycling at 12mph travelling 4 miles how many miles from work will the first person meet the second? Trick question – they’ll meet at work since they’re travelling in opposite directions 3

How much more CO2 is produced by a car travelling at 80mph than a car travelling at 70mph? A- 10%B- 20% C- 30%D- 40% Questionable 4

In 2002, the most recent year for which accurate figures are available, how many cars were in use around the world? A- 221 millionB- 368 million C- 484 millionD- 576 million Questionable 5

The Honda Civic GX has been described as 'the cleanest internal combustion engine on earth.' What is it powered by? A- PlutoniumB- Natural Gas C- Ethanol D- Hydrogen Questionable 6

Of these 2007 model cars which has the lowest CO 2 emissions? A- BMW 1 Series 2.0 Diesel (119) B – Peugeot Diesel (126) C – Ford Focus 1.6 Petrol (159) D- Honda Civic 1.4 Petrol (139) Questionable 7

How quickly would a direct journey from Aberdeen to London (540miles) take if we used the French TGV (double decked railed train)? A – 1 hour 14 minutes B – 1 hour 31 minutes C – 1 hour 53 minutes D – 2 hours 18 minutes Questionable 8

What percentage of HGV mileage is generated by drivers getting lost? A – 5% B – 7% C – 12% D – 15% Questionable 9

Match the following countries to their percentage of journeys made by bicycle. UK11% Germany2% Holland18% Denmark27% Questionable 10

On average what percentage of our disposable income is spent on transport? A – 10% B – 15% C – 20% D – 25% Questionable 11

How many passenger miles are flown from British airports in a year? A – 1287 Billion B – 287 Billion C – 28.7 Billion D – 2.8 Billion Questionable 12

Where would you find a headset? A – Car B – Bus C – Walking Boots D – Bicycle Questionable 13

How many bicycles could be produced with the energy and materials required to build one car? A – 30 B – 60 C – 100 D – 150 Questionable 14

Under-inflated tyres are dangerous and result in more fuel being used. How much more? A – 0.5% B – 0.7% C – 1.0% D – 1.5% Questionable 15

Which of the following won’t improve the fuel efficiency of your car? A – Cleaning the air filter B – Changing the oil C – Ensuring tyres are at the correct pressure D – Driving with windows open rather than having air conditioning on Questionable 16

How many planets worth of resources would we need if everyone on earth used as many resources as the average resident of Aberdeen? A- 2.46B C- 2.92D Questionable 17

Tie-breaker Transportable

How many kilograms of CO 2 is produced by an average car doing average mileage in one year? Questionable

How many kilograms of CO 2 is produced by an average car doing average mileage in one year? 2240Kg Questionable