Accounts Payable Travel & Daily Mileage July 22, 2014
Tips for Travel Must be submitted to Purchasing 14 days prior to date needed Otherwise, reimbursement basis only Include Vendor #s Have funds/budget code available before submitting Always use the latest form on A/P website Utilize the red triangles and pop-up features built into the form Approvals Budget Manager must approve via that is sent to Purchasing Special Revenues-Grant Manager must be copied on the approval Helpful Tools Travel checklist Travel reservation form
Travel Form Left side of form Filled out prior to trip to encumber A La Carte Registration Hotel Airfare Advanced Student Meals Reimbursements A/P needs to be notified of changes to travel Change orders, travelers, etc. Right Side of Form Filled out for actual amounts Actual amounts used to enter proper receiving records
Payment Methods Select one of the following in each section: Advanced Payment Hotel check to be hand delivered on first night stay Receiving record entered in advance Reimbursement Receiving records entered after completion of trip P-Cards
Supporting Documentation Proof of Attendance Certificate of Completion or CE Credit If this is not provided, a name badge and explanation will suffice Original Itemized Receipts Meals Tax, tips, alcohol not reimbursed No Credit Card receipts Parking, Tolls, Ground Transportation MapQuest/Google Maps Detailed Hotel Folio Ensures we are only being charged proper taxes
Airfare Making the Reservation (Advance) Use National Travel ( ) Budget/Funds in place prior to making reservation PO# required to lock in rate Fee Invoice is sent to A/P from NTS Reimbursement Directly through Airline All Airfare needs to be approved by Dr. Sconzo
Hotel Abide by the limits General Funding $170/night or $100/night per occupant if sharing Federal/Grant Funding If Deposit is Required The traveler will be responsible for holding the room with their personal credit card Most hotels are requiring advanced payment of the 1 st night’s stay per room Responsibility of the traveler- There are no exceptions Reimbursement for this charge should be included on the travel form so that it can be encumbered Check to the hotel will be for the remaining balance
Hotel Continued Vendor must be in MUNIS Reservation # Exempt from State of Texas taxes only
Meals Date & Time of Travel Ensure correct # meals encumbered Non-Overnight Travel No meal reimbursements General Fund limits Up to $36/day Federal/Grant Funding Up to $7 Breakfast Up to $12 Lunch Up to $17 Dinner Advanced Student Meals 24 hour waiting period to cash check due to banking procedures If meals are provided by the conference, reimbursement will not be made for that meal
Mileage/Parking/Tolls Overnight Travel Mileage reimbursement at IRS rate No reimbursement for actual gas receipts NO mileage reimbursement when driving a district owned vehicle Parking Self-Service vs. Valet
Mileage/Parking/Tolls Cont. Daily Mileage Form Use most recent on AP website Ensures proper rate Any mileage in the “green sections” must have backup documentation from Map Quest or Google Maps Required submissions are: Electronically-PDF’s attached along with reimbursement request and approval Hard Copy- Print out and paper clip to reimbursement request with approval New Instructions are included in most recent form on A/P Website Ensure funds are available before submitting for payment This can delay reimbursement by 5-7 business days Only one form per calendar month will be accepted Reimbursement documentation should be submitted by the15 th of the following month- DO NOT HOLD ALL MILEAGE FORMS UNTIL YEAR END.
One last thought… We rely on you to communicate this information with your campus and department staff as we are unable to reach out to all employees. Please be sure to share this information with your campus/staff.