Erasmus+: Field of School Education Information Workshop Cork Education Support Centre Saturday 24th January 2015
Erasmus+ An Overview of the New Programme
ERASMUS+ BRINGS… An integrated programme A renewed focus on skills for employment New opportunities for modernising teaching and learning New partnerships between education and world of work
ABOUT ERASMUS+ Combines 7 EU education, training and youth programmes, and introduces sport for the first time Total budget of €14.7 billion, representing a 40% budget increase
A single programme: a simplified architecture
Erasmus+ Why a new approach? Growing requirement for high skill jobs High youth unemployment The world is changing fast new challenges
Stronger impact and Enhanced Policy Links Institutional approach Strong focus on quality and recognition of mobility Strong support to staff mobility in all fields Cross-sectoral cooperation between all education, training and youth fields Systematic linguistic assessment and support
School Education Main Priorities Reducing Early School Leaving Improving attainment of Literacy and Numeracy skills Increasing participation in Third Level Education Improving and Modernising Educational Systems Improving Social inclusion and cohesion
School Education Main Activities Learning Mobilities – training courses, job – shadowing, work placements Strategic partnerships – cooperation between schools, local/regional authorities and other sectors eTwinning- online community connecting teachers, pupils and school leaders
Budget allocation
Breakdown of Education and Youth budget by Key Action
Breakdown of Education and Training budget by field
Support In Ireland Erasmus + is jointly managed by Léargas and the Higher Education Authority Léargas looks after School Education, Adult Education Vocational Education and Training, Youth and all aspects of Education apart from Higher Education HEA looks after Higher Education
New IT Tools URF – Unique Registration Facility Mileage Calculation Linguistic Support Dissemination portal Gateway Portal