MUNIS FOR DUMMIES June 16, 2014 Clovis Unified School District Technology Boot Camp A guide to understanding and using the Munis Financial System at Clovis Unified School District Monette Taylor, Financial Analyst #79556 Kassandra Booth, Sr. Accountant #79431 Ida Tiscareno, Financial Analyst #79113 Nate Eberle, #79566
Why are you here? Why should you make time to know and understand the Munis system? The Keys... knowledge Your program and administrator needs good information
Where are you going? What do you want to accomplish and how are you going to get there? Will it take money? What’s your final destination?
You need a good map! The Munis System is your map Know how to use your map: Munis Manual on the CUSD Intranet (quick links) dsweb/View/Collection dsweb/View/Collection-2098 Lots of systems at CUSD – If any of them cost money the end product ends up as a charge in the Munis system – the “final destination”
Munis YTD Report
Accounts in the Munis System The Basics: All of the accounts are following the Standardized Account Code Structure(SACS) outlined in the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) The District’s total accounts are gathered and reported to the State of California several times during the fiscal year: 1) Adopted Budget of July 1 2) Unaudited Actual Report of previous fiscal year in September 3) Interim Report ending October 31 st 4) Interim Report ending January 31 st All Board Approved
Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS)
Shedding light on the road The rhyme and reason of object codes: : Certificated Salaries : Classified Salaries : Statutory Benefits & Health & Welfare : Books & Supplies : Services & Other Operating Expenses : Building Improvements & Equipment
Keep in mind... XXXX99 – object codes for “reimburseables” – Parent Club or Foundation charges XXXX40 – Hourly pay - paid by timesheet – Cert. School Business Subs – entered into Smart Find Express XXXX50 – Subs – entered into Smart Find Express XXXX60 – Stipend pay XXXX70 – Extra or Over Time Pay XXXX90 – Other salary pay 57XXXX – Direct Cost – all district services
CUSD Direct Services (object codes 57* in Munis) Maintenance work orders : Transportation Dept. charges (Trip Tracker (Versatran), field trips, use of vans or cars : Graphic Arts Dept. (copies/scanback/print orders) & : Copy and Scanback : Teacher Center : Fuel : Sierra Outdoor School (SOS) : Campus Catering
Overview of CUSD’s Systems & Processes Trip Tracker, Xerox, Atlas, Online personnel requisitions, Smart Find Express, APU Scenario, Cat Scenario, Lotus Notes, etc., etc.
Human Resources & Payroll “The rules of the road” Know how and when salary and benefits get charged HR Policies and Payroll policies and procedures Get Personnel Requisitions into HR with all approval signatures by the 1 st of the month Hourly timesheets to Payroll by the end of the 5 th day of the month (to be paid the last working day of the month) – check Payroll Calendar on DocuShare Substitute charges (scanning into SFE vs. hand entering accounts)
Purchasing Dept. processes 1) Outside (Buy-out) Requisitions 2) Ordering equipment (technology) 3) Open Purchase Orders 4) Contracts & Consultant Agreements 5) Maintenance Agreements 6) Software License Agreements 7) Warehouse Orders 8) Subscriptions 9) Cal Cards
Travel/Conference Procedures Conference Registration – Lotus Notes Airfare District vehicle Travel Expense Claims Out-of-State Board Approval
Accounting Dept. Accounts Payable - Pay all bills and invoices for the district Conference/Expense reports/Mileage Mileage claims Open Purchase Order receipts/invoices Payments of Contracts/MOUs/Agreements Cash Receipts Accounts Receivable Books & Class Refunds
Regularly check your map to see where you’re at! 1) Munis Year To Date (YTD) Report a) Using the Query in the YTD Report 2) Munis Account Inquiry a) Get details in Account Inquiry b) Exporting from Account Inquiry to Excel 2) Budget Transfers in Munis (revisions to the plan)
How did I get here? Can I turn back? We can turn back! We can revise the trip! Use budget transfers to manage your way Correct actual charges in Munis: Revise the funding of employee requisitions Use the district’s Expense Transfer Form (find on DocuShare)
Budget Transfer vs. Expense Transfer
Expense Transfer Form Go to Account Inquiry in Munis – find the charge you want to move – print the PDF and attach to the expense transfer form
Don’t miss these landmarks! Charting your course First of the Year: Map a plan – Set Munis budgets to match your plan Run YTD Budget Reports Monthly (after each payroll posting) Have all your budgets spent by Winter Break (either encumbered or allocated) Meet regularly with your administrator or team and go over the budgets together
The Final Destination “Are we there yet?” Year End Check List Run YTD Reports Check Account Inquiry for answers to your questions Will my funding source allow carry over to the next year? Use it or lose it funds? Consider and project all last minute charges that may get posted to your budget Maximize your funding sources with year-end expense transfers
The Destination Sweet Success! You’ve arrived! No Surprises! You and your map became friends. You know your budgets and final costs of the year You supplied good information to your administrator You have satisfaction knowing that you assisted your team to put all resources available into your program! Now take a break!