INDUSTRIAL PARK REP (NON-VOTING) COUNSILOR MAYOR CITIZENS COUNSILOR Clerk / Treasurer Police Chief Admin Assistant(s) Community Outreach Strategic Planning Marketing Interns (UTEP/NMSU) Infrastructure Improvement Economic Development Other Public Benefit Programs Volunteer Hired Employee Elected Official City of Santa Teresa Judge
Government Outline Mayor – Council Government (Elected and Voluntary) –Council elected at-large –Industrial park has non-voting member representative Minimal paid employees –City Clerk/Treasurer and Assistants (with intern assistance from academia) –Volunteer Police Chief representative Volunteer Economic Development Commission –Focused on Long-Term growth –Engages with Industry and County/State Government
Budget Revenues Assumptions: –Income assessment based on 1,490 Residential Homes and Industrial Park –14% of taxes collected returned to Santa Teresa –Gross Receipts Tax only collected from utilities (1.225% State-shared +.25% local option) –Franchise fees not assessed at this time (validity of collection questionable) –Small-Cities Assistance of $100k
Executive Administrative Costs Assumptions: –Lease office building to house Clerk, administrative assistant, interns, and meeting place –High office supply costs to support all divisions –Mileage costs to support all divisions for official travel –Elected officials are not paid employees, but city supports official business expenses.
Judicial Part-Time Justice under City Payroll to fulfill statutory requirement. –Full-Time Judicial Clerk will also augment staff
Police Every Municipality in NM with a population over 2,000 has at least 2 uniformed officers. Assumptions: –Police Chief is volunteer representative for Santa Teresa. Responsible for operations in S.T. –Based on related costs of other departments –Will be able to contract with Sunland Park to provide the bulk of law enforcement coverage. –SPPD receives proceeds from LEPF
Fire Assumptions: –Will be able to continue to rely on D.A.C. for fire protection coverage –Leadership from S.T. Volunteer Fire Department –Contract with Sunland Park F.D. on a billing basis per call.
Misc Arrange for private vendors to fulfill unaddressed city needs –Legal –Maintenance (clean streets of tumbleweeds after storm) –Special automation or marketing requirements Begin to address street repair immediately –$400k allocated in first year