By Matt Jacques and David Perry
Make International shipments Shipments by FedEx Express (Air) FedEx Ground (Truck) FedEx Freight (Heavy Duty shipments) Introduced Hybrid Electric Trucks in 2003 that get 40% better gas mileage and put out 96% less pollution than its competitors trucks.
Originally known as Federal Express from FedEx Corp. acquired Kinko’s Inc. in 2004 and rebranded it FedEx Kinko’s In June 2009, FedEx began a campaign against UPS accusing its competitor of receiving a bailout in an advertising campaign called “brown bailout”.
FedEx Corp. was started in April , during a recession In started fast and was not effected by the bad economic times When the 2008 recession hit FedEx did not receive any bailout money from the Federal Government
Two Panda Bears to China for a conservation Program 25,000 sea turtles to Florida cost to protect them from oil spills Carried a Rhino named Heidi from Switzerland to Dublin to be with its baby Shipped a Black Hawk Helicopter weighing 11,000 to Japan
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