Skywalk Improvements Study Des Moines City Council Workshop August 23, 2010
1.Process 2.Condition Assessments – Report & Areas Needing Attention 3.Signage & Wayfinding – Recommendations & Implementation Scenarios 4.Vertical Connections – Recommendations & Priorities 5.Public Involvement 6.Next Steps Agenda
Design Consultants RDG - Main Consultant Overall Study Overall Study Condition Assessment Condition Assessment HVAC Assessment HVAC Assessment PUSH Branding – Signs and Wayfinding AVI Systems – Interactive Kiosks AVI Systems – Interactive Kiosks Calvin Lewis, Architect – Vertical Access Shuck-Britson – Structural Assessment CALVIN LEWIS
Past 6 Months… Outstanding Technical Committee Participation Well Managed Expectation Great User Feedback Creative Thinking Process
Assessment Categories 1.Structural 42 City Owned Bridges and Structures 2.Mechanical 42 City Owned Bridges and Structures 3.Interiors Approximately 3.5 Miles of Entire System Condition Assessment
Final Report & Conclusions 3 Volume Page Electronic Assessment Document Individual Assessments by Category and Skywalk Segment Criteria Driven Rating of All Segments Electronic “Linked” Document for Ease of Use/Navigation Summary Map of “Areas Needing Attention” Condition Assessment
Areas Needing Attention Structural (Rated 5 and Below on scale of 1 – 9) Mechanical (Rated 2 and Below on scale of 1 – 5) Interior (Rated 2 and Below on scale of 1 – 5)
Signage & Wayfinding
Types of Signs - Why They are Necessary Overhead - Navigation through system - Names your current location - Provides orientation within system Maps/Directories - View of entire system - Displays current location in the system - Shows access points - Amenities - Building/tenant index Vertical Access - Clear access point to/from street level and skywalk - Visible/recognizable from a distance - Consistent throughout system Street Crossing - Represents current street/bridge crossing - Provides orientation within system Directional - Used In areas where a standard vertical access sign is visible Informational - For use with all secondary, non-wayfinding signs - No Smoking - "Doors to remain unlocked..." - Restrooms Advertising
Overhead Signs - Direction to buildings - Current building name - Distance to each building (matching the existing street level pedestrian system) - Icons corresponding to amenities (need to check the feasibility of alterations if icons need changed) - Position/Direction Code - Shows heading direction (eg East) - Emergency responder locator (eg. 6E)
Vertical Access Signs - "Circle S" to symbolize the skywalk system throughout - Street Level Hours of accessibility Position code which relates to code on overhead signs - Skywalk Level Hours of accessibility Names of street accessed by exit
Street Crossing Signs - Help provide orientation - Similar in design to street level pedestrian signage - Positioned at the center of each bridge/street crossing Directional Access Signs - Same red color as the vertical access signage - Directs to skywalk accessible areas not immediately located on skywalk Informational Signs - Incorporate skywalk wayfinding brand into other signage - Relates information to the system - Consistency
Directory Kiosk -"Circle S" Symbol -Incorporate arch detail of bridges and street level signs -Skyline art to reflect design of street level signs -East Village/Capitol removed - Bridges replaced by illuminated red strip representing skywalk
Interactive Directory Building Index - Categorical sorting (food, retail, entertainment, lodging) - Walking routes with mileage - Touch a name to highlight on map Detail View - Street Level Access, Escalator, Elevator, Public Phones, Bus Stops - May also show category icons (food, retail, etc). Emergency Screen - Automatically displays detail view with emergency exits - Emergency information and instructions Other - Upcoming Event/Advertising space - News Feed - Current time and temp
Signage and Wayfinding
Partnership Opportunity Des Moines Register has proposed they could provide, manage and update all content needed for the kiosk, website and mobile applications. Having a consistent and constantly refreshed source of content will provide users on all platforms a more unified and richer experience. Des Moines Register brand would bring consistency and enhance the content. Signage and Wayfinding
Content and Data - Business and restaurant listings - Events - News (headlines, stories, restaurant reviews, photos and video) - Weather Interactive Experiences - Daily news coverage - Special events (State tournaments, RAGBRAI) - Sustainable non-news and public service products Opportunities for Generating Revenue - Large sales force with deep community connections - More local volume and better targeted advertisements Partnership Opportunity
Implementation Scenarios 1.Initial Investment Hard and Soft Options & Costs 2.Ongoing Investments Maintenance and Operations Costs Signage and Wayfinding
All Scenarios: New Overheads/Vertical Access/Street Signage Scenario #1 Replace Graphics in Existing Directories Scenario #2 New Kiosk Directory “Body” – with Static Graphics Scenario #3 New Kiosk Directory “Body” – ½ Static Graphics & ½ Touchscreens Scenario #4 New Kiosk Directory – All Touchscreens Implementation Scenarios
Vertical Access Connections
Existing Type 1 Access Existing Type 1 Access
High Upgrade Potential Access High Upgrade Potential Access Criteria: Equal Distribution Equal Distribution Ease of Upgrade Ease of Upgrade Supplementary Issues: Supplementary Issues: Other Improvements Needed Other Improvements Needed High Pedestrian Traffic High Pedestrian Traffic
Prototypes and Priorities Locations to Consider Prioritizing for Upgrade
Methods of Identity
Prototypes and Priorities Locations to Consider Prioritizing for Celebratory Development
Celebratory Examples
Public Involvement
Preliminary Survey Results Online Survey during March 2010 Over 2,800 responses Over 2,800 responses 65% - Marked access to/from street 45% - Updated features (lighting, carpet, etc.) 45% - Better maps (directories) 45% - Better signage Very useful input Very useful input Used to guide study process and recommendations Used to guide study process and recommendations
“Mock Up” Survey Results Set up in Skywalk – May 11 Set up in Skywalk – May 11 Electronic Directory, Overhead Sign, Vertical Access SignElectronic Directory, Overhead Sign, Vertical Access Sign Over 100 survey responsesOver 100 survey responses Very Good InputVery Good Input
Next Steps
Prioritize study findings and project scope Condition Improvements Signage Enhanced Vertical Access Determine budget and how to fund (public/private?) Partnership / advertising revenue opportunities Safety, health, transportation, business benefits Select consultant to prepare detailed plans & specs Select “Content Provider” – Register, other? Next Steps