Team 4 Senior Design Final Presentation May 7, 2011
Liz Kladder Jay Prins Zach Talen Tim Bangma Jon Mulder
Outline Project Introduction Hybrid Technologies Our Hydraulic System Prototyping Testing Results Business Plan Conclusions
Project Introduction Context Efficient energy usage Problem Inefficient vehicle use can be unavoidable in some applications Solution Improve efficiency with the hydraulic hybrid system
Overall Project Goal Validate Hydraulic Hybrid System can increase stop and go fuel efficiency by 40%
Design Norms Stewardship Caring Transparency
Hybrid Technologies Electric Toyota Prius Flywheel Formula 1 Hydraulic UPS
Benefits of a Hybrid System Regenerative braking Optimal engine performance Decreased brake maintenance
Benefit of Hydraulic Hybrids Less energy conversions Electric Hydraulic
Two Types of Systems Series Parallel
Hydraulic System
Hydraulic System: Accelerating
Hydraulic System: Coasting
Hydraulic System: Braking
Prototypes Base Case Hydraulic Hybrid
Base Case Cart: Frame
Base Case Cart: Gas Engine Mounting
Base Case Cart: Drive Train
Hydraulic Hybrid Cart Removed base case drive train Retrofitted cart with hydraulic components Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Motor Accumulators Reservoir Hydraulic Valves
Hydraulic Hybrid Cart
Hydraulic Pump
Flow Control Valves
Hydraulic Motor (
Other Components Redundant Brakes Hydraulic Mechanical Linkages Gas pedal Brake pedal
Hydraulic Hybrid Retrofit Costs ComponentCost Eaton Hydraulic Pump$ Accumulators Inc. Accumulators$ gal. Reservoir$ Haldex Hydraulic Motor$ Misc. Hydraulic Valves$ Misc. Hoses and Fittings$ Mechanical Couplers$60.00 Pressure Fixtures$ Total$
Test Procedure
Testing Video
Results Base Case CartHydraulic Hybrid Cart Stop and Go Fuel Economy13.9 mpg21.1 mpg 52.4% increase in average stop and go fuel economy
Improvements Different pump or hydraulic motor Variable displacement motor Check valves with lower cracking pressure Design to eliminate minor losses
Business Plan Target Market Package delivery, garbage trucks, city buses Introduction to the market O.E.M. Retrofit is to expensive Potential Savings Higher gas mileage, lower maintenance costs
Business Plan Feasibility High cost on prototype Pay back period is 19 years at current gas prices ($4.20) Longer than the life of the vehicle
Obstacles Budget Time Experience with Hydraulic Systems Component Failure
Conclusions Met our goal! Met efficiency expectations Proved our system works Very expensive system Learned a lot Had fun!
Acknowledgements Matt Mills & Kelly Dawley – Vermeer Corporation Vermeer Charitable Foundation – Financial Support Ned Nielsen – Team Advisor Ren Tubergen – Industrial Consultant Phil Jasperse – Calvin College Metal Shop Charlie Huizinga – Calvin College Physical Plant Bond Fluidaire, Inc – Hydraulic hose and fittings Great Lakes Fluid Power – Accumulator Charging Rex Sheler – Decals Mike Harris – Donor Acquisition Jim Kuipers – Cart Donation Family and Friends