GSG Grants Workshop
Deadline: February 6 th at 4pm Online application: – For individual grants: grants/ grants/ – For clubs/organizations: organizations/ organizations/
Eligibility Graduate student Activity Fee Department’s GSG Senator: 75% attendance at GSG Senate Meetings Previous funding – turned in expense report/receipts
Funding Categories Degree Related Research expenses – Laboratory supplies – Travel to field sites (mileage) Travel without presenting – Travel expenses (flights, mileage) – Food (per diem) – Lodging Travel to Present Presenting at a conference – Travel expenses (flights, mileage) – Food (per diem) – Lodging
Application Categories Abstract (maximum of two pages) Itemized Budget Budget Explanation (maximum of two pages)
Abstract Degree Related Describe the relevance of your travel or purchases to your education and research Furthering goals of UMaine Travel to Present Describe conference/meeting you are attending and how it benefits you and your research Furthering goals of UMaine
Itemized Budget Item #Description of Item Source (Company) QuantityIndividual Cost Total Cost (Quantity x Ind. Cost) Amount Requested 1AirfareAmerican Airlines1$ Delta Airlines1$ JetBlue1$ LodgingGrand Hyatt (conference site) 4 nights$62.16 ($ total divided between 4 people) $ Super 8 Motel4 nights$60.76$ Travelodge4 nights$63.81$ Meals3/day for 4 days $46/day$184$ Conference Registration Society for Vulcan Studies 1$95.00 Totals$887.84$850
Budget Explanation Explain clearly and succinctly why each item on your itemized budget sheet is the best option Give a detailed explanation for each item in your budget
Application submission Compile the abstract, itemized budget and budget explanation into a single pdf File title: (the ‘12345’ is the last 5 digits of your student ID number) 2014Spring_TP_ Spring_DR_12345
Formatting Header on all pages: 2014 Spring, Degree Related, Spring, Travel to Present, Double spaced 12pt, Times New Roman font 1 inch margins Maximum 5 pages total
Grant Review Grant readers span all disciplines – write to an educated audience, but be thorough in your explanation Grants are reviewed by funding category – Approximately 2/3 of grants funded in each category – Funding at 50, 75 and 100% of requested You will be notified by April 3rd
Successful Applicants Use funds according to your application Return unused or misused funds Proof of presentation Submit an expense report and receipts by Monday, August 31, Send to: GSG Grants Officer University of Maine 5755 Stodder Hall Orono, ME
Resources Advisor Fellow graduate students Writing Center – Neville Hall GSG Grants Officer –