Impacting Local Government Updating Functional Classification Using GIS September 12, 2013 Bentonville, Arkansas
Presentation Overview Introduction Federal-Aid System Functional Class Adjusted Urban Area Boundary Purpose of Project Methodology – GIS Proposed Process Good Practice Steps & Schedule Questions and Answers
“Federal-Aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States in providing for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-Aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects.” The Federal-Aid System
Arkansas 22,360 miles State Highways16,220 miles County Roads 3,780 miles City Streets2,360 miles
Functional Classification Importance Federal-Aid highway funding Impacts to Roadway Design Project Prioritization Remember Funding is directly related to the functional classification of a road
Functional Classification
Interstate Other Freeway & Expressway Other Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Major Collector Minor Collector Urban Minor Collectors – Yes Rural Minor Collectors - No
Functional Classification Mileage Extent (Rural) Mileage Extent (Urban) Interstate0% - 3%1% -3% Other Freeway & Expressway1% - 14%6% - 19% Other Principal Arterial19% - 38%14% - 27% Minor Arterial3% - 5%8% - 13% Major Collector11% - 18% All Collectors Combined Minor Collectors4% - 15%8% - 15% Functional Classification
ClassificationPopulation Rural< 5,000 Small Urban5,000 to 49,999 Urbanized>= 50,000 Adjusted Urban Area Boundary
City (Urban) Responsibility TEST
Adjusted Urban Area Boundary County (Rural) Responsibility
FHWA requirement to update the urban boundary and functional class of roadways every 10 years. Update functional classifications due to changes in the urban boundary as a result of the 2010 U.S. Census data. Re-assess the existing functional classifications and make changes and additions where necessary to the system since Purpose of Project
Methodology Updating using GIS is a new process Utilize ESRI Shapefiles Geo-Database Files Learn as we go Utilize stakeholder Input Inter-Agency Cooperation
ESRI Shapefiles sent to requesting Agency Agency utilizes Shapefiles and makes updates Return to AHTD for evaluation Evaluated files returned to Agency Agency reviews and officially approves Return to ATHD for FHWA approval Methodology Proposed Process
Assess Need for Additional Functional Classification Changes Make updates Meet FHWA mileage % ranges Prepare Maps or GIS Files for AHTD Evaluation Work with AHTD during evaluation process Evaluation process will take some time Seek FHWA Approval FHWA is a concerned stakeholder Methodology Proposed Process
Functional Classification - Triggers Changes in roadway characteristics or use New significant roadways Significant growth (population/traffic) Extension of existing roadways Changes in traffic patterns New schools, industry, or other economic assets Methodology Proposed Process
Minimize functional class changes along the roadway A roadway of higher classification should not terminate at a single roadway of a lower classification There will be exceptions Maintain Topological Connectivity Be consistent Use common sense Methodology Proposed Process
Think Continuity
Good Practice Steps & Schedule Determining level of functional classification of a roadway can be difficult at times and create uncertainty. FHWA Functional Classification Manual FHWA Functional Classification Website (under construction) AHTD as a resource Share understanding of the game plan Encourage & work towards timely delivery of functional classification revisions
EventSchedule of Dates AHTD launches functional class update process September 2013 AHTD works with partners to review and purpose changes to the functional classification of it’s roadways September 2014 Approved by Local Agency Approved by AHTD AHTD processes all proposed functional classification changes and submits for FHWA review and approval December 2014 Approved by FHWA AHTD submits FHWA approved functional class changes through HPMS June 2015 Good Practice Steps & Schedule
What If: If we do not complete the functional class update, what happens? Answer: AHTD will update the State Highways in your area and leave the existing functional classification at the 2000 level with only minor adjustments. What If: Can functional classification be updated at a later date? Answer: Yes, but only on a case-by-case basis. System-wide update is a one shot deal. What If: Future or proposed un-built roads are included? Answer: There is a 4-year must be built clause and it should already be in the STIP before being added to the functional class file. (see above) What If
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