You will create a travel package to sell to travelers wishing to vacation in a new country of your creation.
You will create a large map of your new country. You will include a fact sheet giving travelers information about your new country. You will illustrate two “specialty maps” of your country. You will provide a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section of your package to answer questions.
Using PowerPoint, KeyNote or MS Word: ◦ Cover Page – Name, Draw Large Map ◦ Page 2 – Fact Sheet page 1. ◦ Page 3 – Fact Sheet page 2 and FAQ. ◦ Page 4 – Draw/Create two specialty maps.
Large Map (contains the following): 30 points. See rubric for scoring. ◦ Mileage Scale ◦ Compass Rose ◦ At least one latitude line ◦ At least one longitude line ◦ Bodies of water (labeled) (at least 2) ◦ Transportation Services (roads, airports, railways) ◦ Natural Resources (at least 5) ◦ Capital City ◦ Political Boundaries (at least 1) ◦ Legend You may want to hand draw this; then scan and upload it as an image to include in your project.
Fact Sheet (contains the following): 20 points. ◦ Capital city ◦ Total Population ◦ Pie Chart listing Urban vs. Rural population ◦ Area (an estimate but should be based on your mileage scale) ◦ Leading exports (should be based on your natural resources) ◦ Temperatures by month (bar graph listing months with average daily high/low) ◦ Rainfall (bar graph listing monthly averages) ◦ Major languages spoken ◦ Predominant religion ◦ Holidays (by month) – at least 2
Make two small “specialty” maps of your country (ex. growing seasons, annual rainfall, land use, natural vegetation, population density, etc.). Include a key/ legend for each map. You may want to hand draw this; then scan and upload it as an image to include in your project.
Create four map skills questions (and provide the answers) from your large map or from your “specialty” map. (Each question and answer is worth 5 points.) For example, if you create a land use map, you may ask why manufacturing and trade takes place around your capital city. Click to download a Fact Sheet templatetemplate
CIA World Factbook CIA World Factbook Online atlas Online atlas
Step 1: Create large map of your country. Fill in fact sheet. Step 2: Create two specialty maps of your country. Create and answer 4 FAQ questions.
Grade will be based on 5 components: ◦ Travel Package – 100% Large Map – 30% Fact Sheet – 20% Specialty Maps – 20% FAQ – 20% Overall Attractiveness and Completion – 10%