City of Bloomfield Hills Asset Management Plan. Outline Overview plan Challenges and community input Recommendations for others.


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Presentation transcript:

City of Bloomfield Hills Asset Management Plan

Outline Overview plan Challenges and community input Recommendations for others

Overview/Project Goals Update Road Improvement Program Need new road surface evaluation after County discontinued PQI Develop Asset Management Plan  Allows City to transfer Act 51 money from Major Roads to Local Roads

Process Assess current conditions Create a mix of fixes, estimate costs, and funding levels Predict future condition and develop performance measures and targets Conduct tradeoff analysis and identify candidate projects Set priorities and develop a multi-year program Report results

Road Ownership/Mileage Road OwnershipMileage % of Total Road Miles City of Bloomfield Hills (Major) % City of Bloomfield Hills (Local) % Total % Road Mileage includes gravel roads and Orchard Ridge North which were not included in assessment. Does not include RCOC and MDOT roads.

Pavement Deterioration Curve 1 PASER Rating 10

Road Condition Condition Rating Mileage % of Total Road Miles 1 – FAILED 0 0.0% 2 – VERY POOR 0 0.0% 3 – POOR % Sub Total for Ratings 1 to % 4 – FAIR % 5 – FAIR % Sub Total for Ratings 4 to % 6 – GOOD * % 7 – GOOD * % 8 – VERY GOOD % 9 – EXCELLENT % 10 – EXCELLENT % Sub Total for Ratings 6 to % TOTAL % * Ratings 6 & 7 are Good and although may not require any rehabilitation at this time, will need to be addressed in the near future.

Pavement Ratings

Project Costs Costs to complete necessary work to bring all roads up to a good rating is $7,000,000 to $9,000,000.

Budgeted Annual Expense Total Expense = $500,000  $50,000 – Preventative Maintenance/Crack Sealing  $150,000 – Rehabilitation/Overlays/Patches  $300,000 – Full Replacement * * May need to save funds over several years.

Plan Recommendations City should budget money for both rehabilitation and reconstruction in order to prolong the life of fair and good roads and rebuild failing roads. Goal is to protect  roads on the cusp of good and fair before they deteriorate into poor range  roads on the verge of failure before they require full reconstruction.

Plan Recommendations City should continue to budget $500,000 per year for road rehabilitation and reconstruction, starting in City should evaluate federal aid funding for eligible roads.

Road Rehabilitation - $200,000 $50,000 budgeted for crack sealing and $150,000 for patching and overlays. Roads rated 7 or 8 should be evaluated and crack sealed as budget allows. Roads rated 4 or 5 should be rehabilitated as budget allows.

Other Considerations Utilities  Prior to completing road project, other utility needs along the corridor will be reviewed (i.e. upsizing/replacing water main, sanitary sewer repairs, drainage issues). Gravel Roads  If any gravel roads are located in the area of the proposed project, residents will be approached regarding SAD.

Challenges and Community Input Challenges  Weather  Scheduling Community Input  Initial Presentation to City Commission  Public Information Meeting  Final Plan Adoption by City Commission

Recommendations Begin data collection in spring Encourage public involvement

Asset Management Plan Contacts City website City Hall  City Manager Jay Cravens Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc.  Colleen Hill-Stramsak, P.E., PTOE Project Engineer  Karyn Stickel, P.E. Project Engineer