CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Establishes jurisdictional & agency response Small to large incidents Single command structure INCIDENT COMMAND
CONFERENCE CALLS National Hurricane Center National Hurricane Center NWS Charleston NWS Charleston GEMA GEMA Municipalities (one number each) Municipalities (one number each) Chairman Chairman CEMA CEMA NWS WATCH initiates Conference Calls
FORECASTING ? Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance All it takes is one!
Category 1 Minimal Category 2 Moderate Category 3 Extensive Category 4 Extreme Category 5 Catastrophic Wind Speed Storm Surge mph 4-10 ft mph 6-15 ft mph 9-18 ft mph ft 155< mph ft Run from the water, hide from the wind. You can breathe in a 100 mph wind; not under 10 feet of storm surge water.
Skidaway Island Tybee Island Whitmarsh Wilmington SURGE INNUNDATION
DURATION Category 3 Storm 300 mile Diameter 150 mile Radius Moving at 10 miles per hour 10 mph X 150 mi radius = 15 hours over land High tide hours 300 mi dia. 150 mi rad.
Mother Nature Never a dull moment. HURRICANE CAMILLE Mississippi 1969
TORNADOES Guaranteed to be unpredictable&exciting
EVACUATION Rubber-made Box Principle Where’s that pesky passport? Pets need immunizations, food & water too Cell phone won’t work in Atlanta with charger in Savannah Plan now: what to take & where to go Inventory, video & photograph Irreplaceable Items Scan pictures Gas lines waste precious time Establish primary & alternate destinations now Emergency phone numbers for family & friends LEAVE EARLY!
EVACUATION by PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 1.Not a means of improving gas mileage. 2.Refrigerators are not hand carry. 3.Pet possums need immunization records too. 4.Earlier you, go the shorter the ride.
RE-ENTRY No electricity No electricity No potable water No potable water Downed utility lines Downed utility lines Impassable roads without signs Impassable roads without signs No food, shelter or fuel No food, shelter or fuel No medical care No medical care Chemical spills Chemical spills Bridges out (300+) Bridges out (300+)
SUCCESSFUL EVACUATION Where are you going? Where are you going? How are you getting there? How are you getting there? What are you taking? What are you taking? Can you help someone else? Can you help someone else? Do you have a full tank of gas? Do you have a full tank of gas? Pets? Pets? Do family & friends know your plan? Do family & friends know your plan? LEAVE DURING THE VOLUNTARY!!!
CEMA CLAYTON S. SCOTT Chatham Emergency Management Agency 124 Bull Street, Suite 140 Savannah, GA