Authorised: Director, OHS and Injury Management. Version 1.2, 8 Aug Next review: 8 Aug © The University of Melbourne, uncontrolled when printed. 1 Staying healthy and avoiding colds and flu (1) A few simple precautionary measures can help us all stay healthy this flu season. Tip 1: Practicing good hygiene when you cough and sneeze will help stop your cold or flu spreading to others. Source: Victorian Department of Human Services.
Authorised: Director, OHS and Injury Management. Version 1.2, 8 Aug Next review: 8 Aug © The University of Melbourne, uncontrolled when printed. 2 Staying healthy and avoiding colds and flu (2) Source: Victorian Department of Human Services. Tip 2: Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. If you are sick, this will help stop you infecting others. If you are not sick, this will help stop you catching a cold or flu.
Authorised: Director, OHS and Injury Management. Version 1.2, 8 Aug Next review: 8 Aug © The University of Melbourne, uncontrolled when printed. 3 Staying healthy and avoiding colds and flu (3) Tip 3: Above all… Do not attend the University if you are unwell. If you fall ill during the day, go home. If unwell, seek medical advice as soon as possible, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition, are an older person or are pregnant. More information: