Jasmine Garcia Honors English 12 FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA
In the Times of Lorca Born June 5, 1898 Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, Spain Unique child; real life inspirations; dedicated life to his art Sacred Heart University, Law and Philosophy/ University of Madrid/ Colombia University Generacion del 27 First drama, The Butterfly’s Evil Spell(1920) First poem collection, Romancero Gitano Own theatre company Died August 19, 1936; Spanish Civil War( ) Casualty Outlawed writings until 1971 Martyr, politically oppressed Today greatest Spanish poet and dramatist 20 th Century
Selected Major Works Canciones (1927) El poema del Cante Jondo (1932) Impresiones y viajes (1918) In Search of Duende (1998) Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter and Other Poems (1937) Libro de poemas (1921) Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias (1935) Poeta en Nueva York ("Poet in New York") (1940) Romancero Gitano ("The Gypsy Ballads") (1928) Selected Poems (1941) Amor de Don Perlimplin con Belisa en su jardin (1931) Bodas de sangre ("Blood Wedding") (1933) El malificio de la mariposa (1920) La casa de Bernarda Alba ("The House of Bernarda Alba") (1936) La zapatera prodigiosa ("The Shoemaker's Marvelous Wife") (1930) Mariana Pineda (1927) The Comedies (1955) Yerma (1934) Poetry CollectionsDramas/Plays
Ditty of First Desire En la mañana verde, quería ser corazón. Corazón. Y en la tarde madura quería ser ruiseñor. Ruiseñor. (Alma, ponte color de naranja. Alma, ponte color de amor) En la mañana viva, yo quería ser yo. Corazón. Y en la tarde caída quería ser mi voz. Ruiseñor. ¡Alma, ponte color naranja! ¡Alma, ponte color de amor! Heart- love, strong, life Nightingale- animal, bird, free of barriers Connections to the soul The heart wants to be heard In the green morning I wanted to be a heart. A heart. And in the ripe evening I wanted to be a nightingale. A nightingale. (Soul, turn orange-colored. Soul, turn the color of love.) In the vivid morning I wanted to be myself. A heart. And at the evening's end I wanted to be my voice. A nightingale. Soul, turn orange-colored. Soul, turn the color of love.