4 Representative Offices: Brasil, Russia, Turkey, Shangai, Beijing, Australia, India and United Arab Emirates.
5 Good risk performance Cost control Transformation of the distribution model Strong business activity Excellent risk indicators Buoyant business in a low-growth environment Solid recurring income Revenues increasing faster than expenses South America Strong business activity leads to higher income Growth potential in the Andean region Eurasia Solid contribution to the Group Spain USA Mexico USA
9 Source: INDEC and own estimations. 2014e 25.0 CPI-Nu: the new index launched in January, with national coverage (87% of the country, sales outlets), reflects a higher level of inflation.
10 Source: INDEC and own estimations. Export prices maintain the surplus in the trade balance, even though the deficit in the energy sector and tourism. 2014e e e e
11 Source: BCRA 25.8% 20.8% 16.0% 14.4%
12 Source: BCRA. Figures in Million of Pesos + 27 % y/y
14 Customer base expansion (adding S&Me companies and individuals) Banco Francés del Río de la Plata Incorporation of investment banking, capital markets and international banking, while expanding its branch network throughout the country Merger with Banco de Crédito Argentino BBVA Francés acquired 23 floors of the building to be constructed by Consultatio, where the “Torre BBVA” will be established.
Tierra del Fuego Capital Federal Retail 245 1,852,089 clients Middle Market 3019,098 companies Corporate 7 business units 851 large corporations Auto Financing PSA Finance Rombo Broker BBVA Francés Valores S.A Mutual Funds BBVA Francés Asset Management S.A. Insurance BBVA Consolidar Insurance
16 Financial system as of March 2014 Private MS as of June % 6.88% Market share Private Deposits Private Loans
17 Mkt Cap $ 21,045 MM P/E $ 52.7 BV/ Share $ Data as of June 30, 2014
18 Earning s Risks Adecuate funding structure Best risk indicators in the system Strong regulatory ratios Mantaining upward trend in earnings Solvency Expenses
19 Liquid assets/Deposits Liquidity Earnings Risk Solvenc y Coverage % NPL 0.97% Capital Ratio: 15.8% ROA: 2.4% ROE: 18.3% Recurring net income +17.6% 40%
20 Figures in million of pesos Leverage6.7 x Private Loans to Total Deposits78.9% Liquid Assets to Total Deposits40.0%
21 Figures in million of pesos +20% +33% Average Lending Rate ($) 26.43%
Market Share (%) Market Share (%) Figures in million of pesos + 29 %+ 11 % 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y + 46 %+ 11 % 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y
Figures in million of pesos 22
25 The bank complies with Rule 3991 from the Central Bank, which restricts public sector exposure to 35% of total assets as of July ‘07 Figures in million of pesos
27 Figures in million of pesos Average cost of funds ($) 11.28% +30% +23%
28 IV months (2015) BADLAR %$ 250 MM VI months (2015) BADLAR %$ MM VII months (2016) BADLAR %$ 250 MM VIII months (2015) BADLAR %$ MM IX months (2017) BADLAR %$ MM X months (2016) BADLAR %$ MM XI months (2017) BADLAR %$ MM
29 2Q-20142Q-2013 Figures in million of pesos Recurring Non Recurring TotalRecurring Net Financial Income1,531.4(95.4)1,436.01,100.2 Provision for Loan Losses(151.7) (114.5) Net Income from Services Administrative Expenses(1,319.9) (938.5) Operating Income873.7(95.4) Income before tax867.9(95.4) Income tax(378.9)(5.5)(373.5)(246.7) Net Income489.0(100.9) % y/y
30 Figures in million of pesos +39% +21% -54 pb+102 pb 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y
Figures in million of pesos + 39%+ 34% 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y
32 (1) Adm.Expenses / (Net financial income + Net income from services) Removing the non-recurring effects. (2) Net fee Income as a % of Administrative Expenses pb+ 135 pb 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y pb- 306 pb 2Q13 vs 2Q122Q14 vs 2Q13 y/y