Involving people who use services Rocket science?
What layers of involvement? Individual – people being involved in decisions which affect their own lives Organisational – people who use services having an influence over the service they use Strategic – influencing legislation, policy and service design and development across services, at the highest levels
People who use services… Require those services for a reason Are more than their need for a service Are not simply defined by their needs But usually continue to have those needs while participating
Working holistically Recognising the real and valuable contribution that can come from genuinely involving the people who use services Recognising and valuing and working with the differences of all of the unique individuals who are involved
What’s the point? Benefit to the system and service users generally by becoming more considered, more person-centred, more responsive and more effective Benefit to the people who are involved – as part of recovery, redress, development and sometimes (gulp) therapy
Tokenism and traps Pick people who “fit in” Don’t tell them who holds the power Ignore their organisations and facilitate tame and “domestic” users Avoid democracy and accountability Timing Duration Location
People First (Scotland) The national independent self- advocacy organisation of people with learning difficulties in Scotland.
People First (Scotland) Became a company in 1989 Over 80 People First groups from the Borders up to the islands. About 950 members
How we run People First Run by us, the members Board of Directors Staffing Committee Chair’s Committee Elections
Local Groups What local groups do Women’s groups Area-wide groups Sit on local planning bodies and strategic groups
National Work We represent People First (Scotland) on: SAYIG and working groups Multi-agency Inspection Steering Group QIS Care Commission User and Carer group Cross-party Learning Disability group Scottish Parenting Network User and Carer Panel of 21 st Century Social Work Review SIAA Board Mental Health Act Implementation group
National work Conferences Consultations Training
International work Conferences: Canada Alaska London Visits: Wisconsin Ireland Germany
People First Europe conference, Edinburgh 2005 International work
Why People First is important Change on 3 levels: Individuals The way we are treated and seen by others Laws and policies