Contents: What is TYPHOID? What causes TYPHOID? How can I catch it? How long until I start to see the symptoms? SIGNS and SYMPTOMS of TYPHOID Is there a TYPHOID test? What is the treatment for TYPHOID? How can I keep safe?
1. What is TYPHOID? Typhoid is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is contagious and can kill if not diagnosed early and aggressively treated.
2. What causes TYPHOID? - Contaminated water - Contaminated Food - Faeces
3. How can I catch it? The mode of transmission is through faecal matter: Putting contaminated matter into your mouth - food that is not washed, or water that is not clean. Contamination can occur if: You drink water from a creek that someone has been to the toilet in. You don’t wash your hands after you have been to the toilet. It is not transmitted through blood like malaria.
4. How long until I start to see the symptoms? Incubation period is 10 to 14 days. That means you can get typhoid today, but not feel sick for another ten days! This is very dangerous, because it means you could have typhoid and not even know it. You may be back at home when the symptoms present themselves and may not think it is typhoid.
5. Signs & Symptoms of Typhoid Feeling weak and tired – lethargic. Fever (Liklik skin hot). Headache. Upset stomach /Loss of appetite. Diarrhoea associated with abdominal pains. Bloating. Generally unwell feeling.
6. Is there a test for Typhoid? There are two common types of tests that we do. Blood Test –Widal Reagent test (blood serum) quickest test. Stool test – using faeces (more accurate). Not all clinics can conduct the stool test. Unfortunately, the blood test is quite unreliable, so we don’t like to rely only on that.
7. What is the treatment for Typhoid? Typhoid is curable like malaria. The treatment course is two weeks . Broad spectrum antibiotics used.
8. How can I keep safe? Typhoid is PREVENTABLE! Get vaccinated. Practice good personal hygiene. Boil water before drinking. Do not eat foods from street markets where you do not know how it has been prepared. Use proper toilets and not bush/ rivers. Vaccination is the number one way to minimise the risk of catching typhoid. It is not 100% effective, but it is highly recommended by all Travel doctors. The vaccine does not work in every single person, and it does not work immediately. Washing your hands is the next best means, as well as ensuring the water you drink and the food you eat is clean and has been washed in clean water.