Case 1 21 year old male office worker GP referral, “IBS not responding to Rx 3 month history of abdominal discomfort, worse after eating, can keep him awake Wight loss of ½ stone Intermittent loose motions
Case 1 Average build Slightly pale Abdomen not distended Mild tenderness in lower half No mass palpable Anus normal,∑ - normal rectal mucosa
Case 1 How would you investigate him?
Case 1
What is the diagnosis? – Confirmatory investigations? How would you manage the patient?
Case 2 30 year old anaesthetic registrar Presented as emergency: – acute abdominal pain and vomiting 3 month history of abdominal discomfort Wight loss of ½ stone Loose motions
Case 2 Unwell Fever 38 0 c Distended abdomen Tender, guarding
Case 2 AXR
Case 2 Laparotomy Small bowel obstruction Adhesions right iliac fossa to Inflamed appendix and ileocaecal area What operation?
Case 2 Laparotomy Small bowel obstruction Adhesions right iliac fossa to Inflamed appendix and ileocaecal area Appendicectomy performed (non specific acute inflammation)
Case 2 Next 4 months continued abdominal pain Diarrhoea persists Further weight loss Frightened to eat What investigations?
Case 2 What is the diagnosis? What management? Medical? Surgical?
Case 3 18 year old trainee chef Feels tired 6 month history of abdominal pain and diarrhoea Bowels opened up to 6 times per day Mucus in stool Occasional blood with motion
Case 3 Pale, clinically anaemic Tall and thin Abdomen soft, mild tenderness in left iliac fossa No mass palpable Anus – small tags only Rectal mucosa “normal” – slightly red
Case 3 Hb – 10.6 Platelets – 635 WCC – 8.9 CRP – 87 Barium enema
Case 3 Isolated left colonic stricture Distal sigmoid and rectum normal Proximal colon “looks normal”
Case 3 How would you manage this patient?
Case 3 What operation would you perform?
Case 3 Represents January 2006 Acute anal abscess Large tags Abscess partially draining from 2 sites EUA Chronic fistulous abscess posteriorly Ulcerated anal canal Active rectal inflammation
Case 3
How would you manage this patient now?
Case 4 56 year old female Previous resection for ileo-colic Crohn’s disease Previous anal abscess x 2 Now presents with increasing anal and labial pain Miserable
Case 4 How would you manage this patient – Further investigations – Treatment