Golden Jubilee National Hospital MBChB Year 4/5 Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery
Tertiary Centre Cardiothoracic Services- West Scotland, National Transplantation Service. Cardiology Services- Greater Glasgow, National Congenital/Advanced Heart Failure Services. Research Unit- Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Vascular Sciences. Elective Orthopaedics- Waiting List Initiatives.
Cardiology Interventional Cardiology Advanced Cardiac Imaging Special National Units Device Implantation Electrophysiology Congenital Intervention
Interventional Cardiology Catheterisation Laboratories (Cath Labs) 4 in total Level 2, behind Radiology Department.
Advanced Cardiac Imaging Echocardiography (Level 2, Cardiac Unit) Cardiac CT and MRI (Level 2, Radiology)
National Services Division (NSD, SACCs, SPVU) Level 3 (next to 3W) Advanced Heart Failure Pre/post cardiac transplantation Congenital Heart Disease
Cardiac Surgery Level 3 Cardiac Theatres 1,2,5,6 Intensive Units- ICU 1 & ICU 2 HDU 2 (Cardiac) & HDU 3 (Thoracic) Cardiac Ward- 3E Outpatients clinics (Level 1)
Thoracic Surgery Thoracic Theatres: 7&8- Level 3 Thoracic Ward: 3W Thoracic Outpatient Clinic (Level 1)
Initial Group Cardiothoracic Cardiology
Cardiology Cardiothoracic Mr John Butler
Advanced Heart Failure Level 3, NSD Unit [Next to Ward 3 West] Starting with ward rounds (8.30am) Involved in all activities (transplant clinics, MDT, biopsies)
Congenital Heart Disease Starting with ward rounds (8.30am) in NSD unit Involved in all activities (outpatient clinics, MDT, intervention)
Cardiology Wards & CCU Starting with ward rounds (8.00am) Involved in all activities of the ward – shadowing clinical fellow and registrar)
Coronary Intervention Starting at 9.00am- Cath lab Observe all aspects of coronary intervention (both diagnostic and interventional/PCI)
Cardiac Imaging Imaging takes place every day starting at 9.00am Level 2 Echocardiography (Cardiac Unit) Level 2 Cardiac CT and MRI (Radiology) Imaging takes place every day starting at 9.00am
Multidisciplinary Meetings - MDT Coronary Intervention Tuesday Coronary Intervention Wednesday Valvular Heart Disease Thursday Advanced Heart Failure Friday Congenital Heart Disease Friday All taking place at 8.00am at Cardiothoracic Meeting Room, Level 1
Cardiac Ward Level 3 3 East Admission and care of patients undergoing cardiac surgery Ward round start 8.30am Associate Specialist- Mr Robin Bhawal
Thoracic Ward 3W Pre/post operative thoracic patients Ward rounds prompt 8.00am start Meet for bedside teaching
Critical Care ICU 1 & 2- daily ward rounds start promptly 8.00am HDU 2/3 daily ward rounds start HDU 2 at 8.00am Ward rounds led Mr Alan Coulson.
Theatres Every day, starting at 8.00am, Level 3- afternoon sessions start at 1pm You will need to change your clothes and wear ‘greens’. Do not leave valuables is changing rooms. Ask the theatre/nursing staff to direct you to a theatre. Matric card visible at all times.
Main Outpatient Department Outpatient Clinics Level 1, Main Outpatient Department Every day at 9.00am/1.00pm
Teaching Most tutorials held within the centre. ECG Interpretation, Blood Gas Anaesthetic Teaching- Dr David Reid. Theatre Etiquette Mock MDT- Dr Andrew Sinclair.
CardioSim Session Simulation training Scenarios based on care of the acutely unwell Cardiology patient (which you don’t usually tend to see in the wards) 2-2.5 hours session while on Cardiology Week, 8-9 students group 3-4 scenarios, divided into groups
Assessment No formal assessment Completed timetables 1 Long Case and discussion- emailed/handed into Kirsty Quinn Evaluation session ( MCQ session)- last day of the block Attendance bedside teaching- please arrive on time. If you cannot attend a session, please email Monojit Paul/Kirsty Quinn in advance of that session.
Additional Sessions Thoracic Meeting: Fridays 1pm, conference room between theatres and ICU2, Level 3 Unit Teaching- Fridays 2pm Journal Club/CT MCQs- Wednesdays 5pm
Monojit Paul monojitpaul@nhs. net Kirsty Quinn, Kirsty. Quinn@gjnh Monojit Paul Kirsty Quinn,