Les adjectifs et les pronoms démonstratifs Review of this, that; these those (ce, cette, (cet), cesReview of this, that; these those (ce, cette, (cet),


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Presentation transcript:

Les adjectifs et les pronoms démonstratifs Review of this, that; these those (ce, cette, (cet), cesReview of this, that; these those (ce, cette, (cet), ces Instruction: this/that item; these/those itemsInstruction: this/that item; these/those items Instruction: this/that one; these/those onesInstruction: this/that one; these/those ones Ceci and cela

This,that / these,those Ce, cette, and cet ALL mean this and that Ces means BOTH these and those Masculine singular: ce Feminine singular: cette Masculine singular, starts with a vowel: cet All plurals: ces Main menu

This, that; these, those this / that book this / that pencil this / that park this / that car this / that girl this / that dress this / that ordinateur this / that man this / that orange these / those pens these / those men these those women these / those papers these / those oranges these / those computers ce livre ce crayon ce parc cette voiture cette fille cette robe cet ordinateur cet homme cet orange ces stylos ces hommes ces femmes ces feuilles de papier ces oranges ces ordinateurs Main menu

This/that item; these/those items The words for “this” and “that” are the same in French. There is only one word for “these” and “those.” To distinguish between “this” and “that,” French uses “-ci” and “-là” when necessary. These actually mean “this item here” and “that item there,” but in standard English “here” and “there” are not used in this way. Other than pointing, using “-ci” and “-là” is the only way to distinguish an item near the speaker from a like item farther away when the name of the item is used. “-ci” is related to “ici” and “voici.” “-là” is related to “là-bas” and “voilà” Main menu

This/that item; these/those items Examples: this dog – ce chien-ci as opposed to that dog – ce chien-là this shirt – cette chemise-ci as opposed to that shirt – cette chemise-là this man – cet homme-ci as opposed to that man – cet homme-là these radios– ces radios-ci as opposed to those radios – ces radios-là Main menu

This/that item; these/those items this book (here) that pencil (there) this park (here) that car (there) that girl (there) that dress (there) this computer (here) that man (there) this orange (here) these pens (here) those men (there) those women (there) these papers (here) those oranges (there) these computers (here) ce livre-ci ce crayon-là ce parc -ci cette voiture -là cette fille -là cette robe -là cet ordinateur -ci cet homme -là cet orange -ci ces stylos -ci ces hommes -là ces femmes -là ces feuilles de papier -ci ces oranges -là ces ordinateurs -ci Main menu

This/that one; these/those ones To point something out without using the name of the item (this/that one, these/those ones), there are special forms to use. In standard English, “ones” would not be used. Celui-ci (this one) / celui-là (that one)(masc. sing.) Celle-ci / celle-là (fem. sing.) Ceux-ci (these ones) / ceux-là (those ones) (masc. pl.) Celles-ci / celles-là (fem. pl.) “-ci” is related to “ici” and “voici.” “-là” is related to “là-bas” and “voilà”

This/that one; these/those ones Celui-ci / celui-là (masc. sing.) You know “lui” from “c’est lui,” “that’s him.” Celle-ci / celle-là (fem. sing.) You know “elle” from “c’est elle,” “that’s her.” Ceux-ci / ceux-là (masc. pl.) You know “eux” from “ce sont eux,” “that’s them.” Celles-ci / celles-là (fem. pl.) You know “elles” from “ce sont elles,” “that’s them.” Main menu

This/that one; these those ones Main menu Which book? this one (here) Which pencil? that one (there) Which park? this one (here) Which car? that one (there) Which girl? that one (there) Which dress? that one (there) Which computer? this one (here) Which man? that one (there) Which orange? this orange (here) Which pens? these (here) Which men? those (there) Which women? those (there) Which papers? these (here) Which oranges? those (there) Which computers? these (here) celui-ci celui-là celui -ci celle -là celui -ci celui -là celui -ci ceux -ci ceux -là celles -là celles -ci ceux -là ceux -ci Just translate “this one here.”

This/that one; these those ones Main menu Which apple? this one (here) Which dogs? these (here) Which city? that one (there) Which teachers? those (there) Which shirt? that one (there) Which shoes? these (here) Which person? this one (here) Which house? this one (here) Which bag? this one (here) Which train? that one (there) Which mountain? that one (there) Which country? this one (here) Which letter? that one (there) Which cassettes? those (there) Which boats? those (there) celle-ci ceux-ci celle -là ceux -là celle -là celles -ci celle -ci celui -ci celui -là celle -là celui -ci celle -là celles -là ceux -là Just translate “this one here.”

Ceci, cela Ceci (this) and cela (that) reference ideas rather than people or things. Ceci announces. Otherwise, use cela. Ça is a contraction of cela and is generally only used in conversation (including written conversation). “-ci” is related to “ici” and “voici.” “-là” is related to “là-bas” and “voilà” Main menu

Ceci, cela Ceci est important : il faut que vous dormiez chaque soir. Cela n’est pas juste. Je n’aime pas cela. Main menu