APPRECIATE People Management to Improve Patient Care: An Organisational Approach Kevin Croft Director of People & Organisational Development 1
Session Aims Describe an approach to improving people management at one acute hospital Describe how the HPMA are seeking to improve the quality of patient care by improving people management across the NHS
Organisational Development Programme 2013/14 Staff Engagement and Communication Leadership Living our Values People Management Practice Health & Wellbeing Equality & Diversity (EDS) 1. Effective Teams
People Management, Patient Care & Performance Generic literature shows link between people management & organisational performance Professor Michael West and others have shown the link between good people management, patient care and organisational efficiency in the NHS The Francis Report reminded us what can happen to patient care when people are ignored NHS Staff survey results show a mixed picture with significant room for improvement in many areas
Professional & Personal Development
Involvement in decision making
Accountability – for delivering objectives
Eliminate harassment, bullying and discrimination
People Management Practice (1): Managers’ Checklist - APPRECIATE 1. A ims 2. P erformance management 3. P rofessional and personal development 4. R ecognition 5. E mpowerment 6. C ommunication 7. I nvolvement 8. A ccountability 9. T eamworking 10. Eliminate, harassment and discrimination
People Management Practice (2): Good People Management Across the Trust
People Management Practice (3): Initial Actions Promoting the APPRECIATE checklist for managers APPRECIATE manager guide APPRECIATE surveys Masterclasses Manager training Questions for recruitment interviews Manager recognition programme and awards Aligning appraisal with business planning cycle to improve quality and relevance of appraisals and objective setting Joining the Healthcare People Management Association APPRECIATE Campaign
APPRECIATE People Management to Improve Patient Care HPMA Campaign Kevin Croft HPMA President
Why APPRECIATE: People management in the NHS (1) There are some clear positives from the staff survey, including: 89% feel their role makes a difference 88% believe Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion 83% of staff appraised in the last 12 months 81% received job relevant training, learning or development 78% satisfied with quality of work and patient care they give
There are areas where it is a relief, given Francis, results are not worse: 74% feel they are able to make suggestions about improvement 68% able to contribute towards improvements 63% happy with the standard of care for a friend or relative 62% believe care of patients and service users is their organisation’s top priority 55% would recommend their organisation as a place to work 55% have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do their work* 54% get clear feedback on their work from immediate manager* Why APPRECIATE: People management in the NHS (2) * National avg for acute trusts using quality health
Areas where people management practice is falling short: 47% satisfied with recognition for good work* 40% feel Trust values their work 37% suffering work-related stress 36% have well-structured appraisal 35% saying senior manager communication effective 30% experience bullying, harassment and abuse from patients, relatives or the public 29% feeling pressure to attend work when feeling unwell 27% say senior managers involve staff in important decisions 26% report senior managers act on feedback from staff 24% experience bullying, harassment and abuse from staff 15% experience physical violence from patients, relatives or the public Why APPRECIATE: People management in the NHS (3) * National avg for acute trusts using quality health
Why APPRECIATE? The APPRECIATE Campaign is based on a mnemonic which sets out 10 core components of good people management: 1. A ims 2. P erformance management 3. P rofessional and personal development 4. R ecognition 5. E mpowerment 6. C ommunication 7. I nvolvement 8. A ccountability 9. T eamworking 10. E nvironment and equipment for the job
Why APPRECIATE? APPRECIATE operates on 4 levels: Level 1 – senior leaders and operational managers need to APPRECIATE the link between good people management and improving patient care and operational efficiency Level 2 – APPRECIATE creates a 10-point checklist for line managers to use in their day-to-day management of staff Level 3 – managers need to understand that if they APPRECIATE their staff it will improve engagement and motivation – although it is important they remember it’s not the only management behaviour required Level 4 – to APPRECIATE others is good for your health, well-being and happiness!
APPRECIATE Aims & Objectives 1.To promote the importance of improving people management to improving the quality of patient care and organisational efficiency 2.To capture and promote evidence of how NHS organisations have significantly improved the quality of people management and how this has affected patient care and efficiency 3.To produce and promote tools, techniques and products that will assist HR/OD professionals improve the quality of people management in their part of the NHS Through it’s APPRECIATE Campaign the HPMA aims to improve patient care and operational efficiency by improving the quality of people management. The key objectives of the campaign are:
APPRECIATE Actions (1) The initial APPRECIATE Campaign plan has 10 areas of action: 1.Promoting the APPRECIATE People Manager Checklist for managers to track if they are doing some of the basics of good people management 2.Creating an accessible case for good people management that HR & OD professionals and senior leaders can use to make the case for improving people management 3.Collecting and promoting examples of how organisations are improving patient care and operational efficiency through improving the quality of people management 4.Introducing a good people management award to showcase best practice and celebrate the contribution of good people management to patient care. 5.Encouraging organisations to recognise good people managers and good people management practice.
APPRECIATE Actions (2) 6.Encouraging organisations to ensure people management performance and people-related issues are included in manager appraisals 7.Promoting the use of performance management tools to ensure people performance is considered as significantly as other performance domains 8.Promoting mechanisms to monitor and respond to feedback about the people management experience similar to the way we monitor and respond to feedback about the patient experience 9.Promoting training and development opportunities for improving people management practice. 10.Signing-up key partners to support the campaign for appreciating the contribution good people management makes to improving patient care. …. and on that note
… some credible support: Professor Michael West, Lancaster University Management School and Centre for Performance-Led HR Dean Royles, Chief Executive, NHS Employers Peter Cheese, Chief Executive, CIPD Joanne Marshall, Director of Oranisational Culture Development, NHS England Nita Clarke, Director of IPA and Co- Chair of the Government’s Engagement Task Force
Immediate Next Steps Product 1 - Creating the case for change Product 2 - Case study evidence (sponsorship) Product 3 – Production and distribution APPRECIATE materials Expanding employer and commercial membership Call for commercial member proposals (May) Discussions with system supporters and partners (NHS Employers, CIPD, NHS England)
APPRECIATE People Management to Improve Patient Care Questions?